Alicki, Robert was born on September 12, 1951 in Torun, Poland. Son of Jozef and Danuta Jadwiga (Zyskowska) Alicki.
Alicki, Robert was born on September 12, 1951 in Torun, Poland. Son of Jozef and Danuta Jadwiga (Zyskowska) Alicki.
Master of Science, University Torun, 1974. Doctor of Philosophy, University Torun, 1977. Habilitation, University Torun, 1983.
Assistant, Institute Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, U. Gdansk, Poland, 1974-1977; lecturer, Institute Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, U. Gdansk, Poland, 1977-1983; associate professor, Institute Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, U. Gdansk, Poland, 1983-1992; professor, Institute Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, U. Gdansk, Poland, since 1992; dean of faculty, since 1996. Visiting professor U. Leuven, Belgium, 1984-1986, 94, National Council Science Italy, Rome, 1989, U. Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1993, U. Vienna, 1994.
(In this text the authors develop quantum dynamics of open...)
( Reinvigorated by advances and insights the quantum theo...)
Member International Association Mathematics Physics, Polish Association Humboldt Fellows, Science Association Gdansk.
Married Maria Stanislawa Mackowiak, January 25, 1975. 1 child, Monika.