Burger, Robert Eugene was born on June 21, 1931 in Yerington, Nevada, United States. Son of Edmund Ganes and Rose Catherine (Kobe) Burger.
(Bobby Fischer is regarded as the greatest chess player of...)
Bobby Fischer is regarded as the greatest chess player of all time. A movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer” was made about two of the times he disappeared. Although there are many books about Bobby Fischer, this is the only one that deals in depth with his second, in 1992, match against Boris Spassky and the one that explores in greatest depth his playing style and thought process. In The Chess of Bobby Fischer, the author employs his long experience as a chess analyst to transform the technique and insight of the greatest player of all time into a unique teaching tool. This, he shows, is how a great player wins games. Robert Burger first got to know Bobby as a precocious youngster when, in 1957, Fischer's mother called him to ask if he would "watch over" Bobby in San Francisco at the U.S. Junior Championship. As a director of The Mechanics' Institute, where the tournament was held, Burger was also familiar to the participants as the co-editor of The California Chess Reporter. A National Master, Burger also has the distinction of being a grandmaster of chess composition, of the U.S. Chess Problem Society. He is also a Fellow of the British Chess Problem Society and the author of numerous nonfiction books. Among his other chess books are "Grandmaster Chess" and "The Unknown Tal." He has reported on chess tourneys and matches throughout Europe. Among his collaborators on chess books have been Isaac Kashdan and Vladimir Nabokov (yes, that one!). The current edition of this classic is the most complete, referencing the second Fischer-Spassky match -- in Yugoslavia in 1992. Burger has always maintained that the real Bobby was among the most generous and statesmanlike of grandmasters, with this anecdote as an example: In 1964, when Bobby made his first, great tour of the United States following his sweep of the U.S. Championship, Burger was one of thirty players in a "simul" at Mechanics' Institute in San Francisco. On the twelfth move, Fischer resigned after seeing that he had lost a piece. Robert Burger is especially noted for the one game, his win against Bobby Fischer in 1964.
Burger, Robert Eugene was born on June 21, 1931 in Yerington, Nevada, United States. Son of Edmund Ganes and Rose Catherine (Kobe) Burger.
Bachelor, University of California, Berkeley, 1953; Master of Arts, University of California, Berkeley, 1955.
Founder Ad Agency, San Francisco, 1958, Electronic Navigation Company, 1960. Writer Ad Agency, San Francisco, since 1968. Lecturer Stanford University, 1964, University California-Hayward, 1972, various California state colleges, 1973, University California-Berkeley, 1989-1991.
United States chess master, since 1965. International chess master, since 1973. International problems judge, 1955.
United States representative Federation International des Echecs, 1981-1985. Co-founder Quantum Entertainment, 1992. President Nutrition Analysts Press.
Director development Integrated Magnetoelectronics, Inc., since 1991.
(Bobby Fischer is regarded as the greatest chess player of...)
(Great book for study, research, or review!)
(How the FDA Suppresses Drugs We Need)
Trustee Mechanics Institute Library., San Francisco, since 1980. President Gold Rush Trail Foundation, since 1995. Fellow British Chess Problem Society.
Member The Family Club.
Married Mary Theresa Dunne, June 26, 1954. Children: Eileen, Marlene, Robert, Diane, Elisabeth, Joseph, Daniel, John, Clare, Christopher.