Fogelin, Robert John was born on June 24, 1932 in Congers, New York, United States. Son of Carl A. and Florence (Sandberg) Fogelin.
(In this updated edition of his brief, engaging book, Robe...)
In this updated edition of his brief, engaging book, Robert J. Fogelin examines figures of speech that concern meaning--irony, hyperbole, understatement, similes, metaphors, and others--to show how they work and to explain their attraction. Building on the ideas of Grice and Tversky, Fogelin contends that figurative language derives its power from its insistence that the reader participate in the text, looking beyond the literal meaning of the figurative language to the meanings that are implied. With examples ranging from Shakespeare, John Donne, and Jane Austen to e.e. cummings, Bessie Smith, and Monty Python, Fogelin demonstrates that the intellectual and aesthetic force of figurative language is derived from the opportunity it provides for unlimited elaboration. Fogelin presents a modern restatement of the view, first put forward by Aristotle, that metaphors are to be treated as elliptical similes. He then offers a detailed defense of this "comparativist" view of metaphors in response to criticisms that have been brought against it by a series of eminent philosophers. This new edition is updated to reflect more recent work on the topic and will interest philosophers, linguists, and literary theorists.
(This work, written from a neo-Pyrrhonian perspective, is ...)
This work, written from a neo-Pyrrhonian perspective, is an examination of contemporary theories of knowledge and justification. It takes ideas primarily found in Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism, restates them in a modern idiom, and then asks whether any contemporary theory of knowledge meets the challenges they raise. The first part, entitled "Gettier and the Problem of Knowledge," attempts to rescue our ordinary concept of knowledge from those philosophers who have assigned burdens to it that it cannot bear. Properly understood, Fogelin shows that the concept of knowledge is unproblematic. The second part of this study, called "Agrippa and the Problem of Justification," examines Agrippa's contribution to Pyrrhonism, a systematic reduction of its procedures which came to be known as the "Five Modes Leading to the Suspension of Belief." These modes present a completely general procedure for refuting any claim a dogmatist might make. Though largely unnoticed, there is, according to Fogelin, an uncanny resemblance between problems posed by Agrippa's "Five Modes" and those that contemporary epistemologists address under the heading of a theory of justification. Fogelin examines the strongest contemporary theories of justification--in both foundationalist and anti-foundationalist forms. The conclusion is that recent philosophical writings on justification have made no significant progress in responding to the Pyrrhonian problems these writings have addressed.
( Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of...)
Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of warrant statements – statements which indicated something about the grounds on behalf of some further judgement, choice or action. The first part of the study is concerned with the role of warrant statements in theoretical discourse; while the second part concerns their role in practical discourse. Also examined are necessity, probability, knowing, seeing and the complex of terms which allow us to introduce an argumentative structure into discourse.
( Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of...)
Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of warrant statements – statements which indicated something about the grounds on behalf of some further judgement, choice or action. The first part of the study is concerned with the role of warrant statements in theoretical discourse; while the second part concerns their role in practical discourse. Also examined are necessity, probability, knowing, seeing and the complex of terms which allow us to introduce an argumentative structure into discourse.
(Robert Fogelin here collects fifteen of his essays, organ...)
Robert Fogelin here collects fifteen of his essays, organized around the theme of interpreting philosophical texts. The essays place particular emphasis on understanding the argumentative or dialectical role that passages play in the specific context in which they occur. The somewhat surprising result of taking this principle seriously is that certain traditional, well-worked texts are given a radical re-interpretation. Throughout the essays reprinted here, Fogelin argues that, when carefully read, the philosophical position under consideration has more merit than commonly believed. Included are essays dealing with texts from the works of Plato, Aquinas, Hume, Berkeley, Kant, Price, Hamilton, and Wittgenstein.
( A truly global approach to world history built around s...)
A truly global approach to world history built around significant world history stories. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is organized around major world history stories and themes: the emergence of cities, the building of the Silk Road, the spread of major religions, the spread of the Black Death, the Age of Exploration, alternatives to nineteenth-century capitalism, the rise of modern nation-states and empires, and others. The Fourth Edition of this successful text has been streamlined, shortened, and features a new suite of tools designed to help students think critically, master content and make connections across time and place.
(The Bible is full of pictures. It's an amazing kaleidosco...)
The Bible is full of pictures. It's an amazing kaleidoscope of pictures! People are variously depicted throughout the Bible as branches, body parts, lights, temples, salt, sheep and more! This study explores such imagery to help us discover who we are, why we exist, and where we are going.
( The music―front and center. The leading text in the m...)
The music―front and center. The leading text in the market, What’s That Sound? strengthens students’ listening skills and deepens their understanding of rock, first and foremost, as music. New listening guides and author videos reinforce this classic strength, while also providing additional historical and cultural context that allows students to make connections between the music and the times.
( During the past decade there has been an explosion in c...)
During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of color graphics. It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees and boosting---the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book. This major new edition features many topics not covered in the original, including graphical models, random forests, ensemble methods, least angle regression & path algorithms for the lasso, non-negative matrix factorization, and spectral clustering. There is also a chapter on methods for ``wide'' data (p bigger than n), including multiple testing and false discovery rates.
( The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accura...)
The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accuracy with an engaging, friendly, and often fun presentation for maximum appeal. Blitzer’s personality shows in his writing, as he draws readers into the material through relevant and thought-provoking applications. Every Blitzer page is interesting and relevant, ensuring that students will actually use their textbook to achieve success!
( The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accura...)
The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accuracy with an engaging, friendly, and often fun presentation for maximum appeal. Blitzer’s personality shows in his writing, as he draws readers into the material through relevant and thought-provoking applications. Every Blitzer page is interesting and relevant, ensuring that students will actually use their textbook to achieve success!
( The music―front and center. The leading text in the m...)
The music―front and center. The leading text in the market, What’s That Sound? strengthens students’ listening skills and deepens their understanding of rock, first and foremost, as music. New listening guides and author videos reinforce this classic strength, while also providing additional historical and cultural context that allows students to make connections between the music and the times.
( The Fourth Edition of Microbiology with Diseases by Tax...)
The Fourth Edition of Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy is the most cutting-edge microbiology book available, offering unparalleled currency, accuracy, and assessment. The state-of-the-art approach begins with 18 Video Tutors covering key concepts in microbiology. QR codes in the textbook enable students to use their smartphone or tablet to instantly watch the Video Tutors. The approach continues with compelling clinical case studies and emerging disease case studies. Student comprehension is ensured with end-of-chapter practice that encompasses both visual and conceptual understanding.
( In Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Robert M. Emerson, ...)
In Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Robert M. Emerson, Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw present a series of guidelines, suggestions, and practical advice for creating useful fieldnotes in a variety of settings, demystifying a process that is often assumed to be intuitive and impossible to teach. Using actual unfinished notes as examples, the authors illustrate options for composing, reviewing, and working fieldnotes into finished texts. They discuss different organizational and descriptive strategies and show how transforming direct observations into vivid descriptions results not simply from good memory but from learning to envision scenes as written. A good ethnographer, they demonstrate, must learn to remember dialogue and movement like an actor, to see colors and shapes like a painter, and to sense moods and rhythms like a poet. This new edition reflects the extensive feedback the authors have received from students and instructors since the first edition was published in 1995. As a result, they have updated the race, class, and gender section, created new sections on coding programs and revising first drafts, and provided new examples of working notes. An essential tool for budding social scientists, the second edition of Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes will be invaluable for a new generation of researchers entering the field.
( The second edition of this comprehensive handbook of co...)
The second edition of this comprehensive handbook of computer and information security provides the most complete view of computer security and privacy available. It offers in-depth coverage of security theory, technology, and practice as they relate to established technologies as well as recent advances. It explores practical solutions to many security issues. Individual chapters are authored by leading experts in the field and address the immediate and long-term challenges in the authors’ respective areas of expertise. The book is organized into 10 parts comprised of 70 contributed chapters by leading experts in the areas of networking and systems security, information management, cyber warfare and security, encryption technology, privacy, data storage, physical security, and a host of advanced security topics. New to this edition are chapters on intrusion detection, securing the cloud, securing web apps, ethical hacking, cyber forensics, physical security, disaster recovery, cyber attack deterrence, and more. • Chapters by leaders in the field on theory and practice of computer and information security technology, allowing the reader to develop a new level of technical expertise • Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of security issues allows the reader to remain current and fully informed from multiple viewpoints • Presents methods of analysis and problem-solving techniques, enhancing the reader's grasp of the material and ability to implement practical solutions
( Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings ...)
Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings clarity to the art of typography with this masterful style guide. Combining the practical, theoretical, and historical, this edition is completely updated, with a thorough revision and updating of the longest chapter, "Prowling the Specimen Books," and many other small but important updates based on things that are continually changing in the field.
Epistemologist philosopher of language
Fogelin, Robert John was born on June 24, 1932 in Congers, New York, United States. Son of Carl A. and Florence (Sandberg) Fogelin.
Bachelor, University Rochester, 1955. Master of Arts, Yale University, 1957. Doctor of Philosophy, Yale University, 1960.
Teacher Pomona College, 1958-1966. From associate professor to professor Yale University, 1966-1980. Professor philosophy, Sherman Fairchild professor in humanities Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, since 1980.
Visiting professor University California, Santa Barbara, 1977, University California, Berkeley, 1984, 91, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993. Seminar leader National Endowment of the Humanities, 1981. Lecturer summer institute on Hume, National Institutes of Health, 1990.
Member selection committee Mellon graduate fellowships American Council of Learned Society, National Endowment of the Humanities and Phi Beta Kappa Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize. Member executive committee American Philosophical Association.
( The Fourth Edition of Microbiology with Diseases by Tax...)
( The second edition of this comprehensive handbook of co...)
( The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accura...)
( The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accura...)
(This work, written from a neo-Pyrrhonian perspective, is ...)
( Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings ...)
(Robert Fogelin here collects fifteen of his essays, organ...)
( During the past decade there has been an explosion in c...)
( A truly global approach to world history built around s...)
(In this updated edition of his brief, engaging book, Robe...)
( In Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Robert M. Emerson, ...)
(The Bible is full of pictures. It's an amazing kaleidosco...)
( Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of...)
( Originally published in 1967. This is an examination of...)
( The music―front and center. The leading text in the m...)
( The music―front and center. The leading text in the m...)
(Book by Fogelin, Robert J.)
(Mastering The Trade)
(Mastering The Trade)
(Robert F. Selle seres as Mission Planter of the Lutheran ...)
Author: Evidence and Meaning, 1967, Understanding Arguments, 1st edition, 1978, 4th edition, 1992, Wittgenstein, 1st edition, 1976, second edition, 1987, Hume's Skepticism, 1985, Figuratively Speaking, 1988, Philosophical Interpretations, 1992, Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification, 1994. Contributor articles and reviews to scholarly publications.
Fogelin is the author of an influential book on Wittgenstein, notable mainly for its lucid account pf the doctrines set forth in the Tractatus and for its analysis of Wittgenstein’s considerations concerning what it is to follow a rule. He has presented a neo-Aristotelian account °f figurative meaning within a minimal Gricean framework, stressing the speech-act aspect of figurative prediction: and ‘figurative comparisons’. He defends a ‘comparativist’ view of metaphors.
Member Phi Beta Kappa.
Married Florence Clay. Children: Eric, John, Lars.