Robin Dale Sage, American lawyer. Bar: Texas 1981, United States District Court (eastern district) Texas 1983. Member of American Bar Association, Orthopsychiat. Association, National Association Women Lawyers, Academy Family Mediators, Gregg County Bar Association, State Bar Texas, Zonta Club (Longview).
Sage, Robin Dale was born on August 25, 1958 in Longview, Texas, United States. Daughter of Roger E. and Della Dale S. Bachelor, Baylor University, 1980, Juris Doctor, 1981. Bar: Texas 1981, United States District.Ct. Texas 1983. Association, Sharp, Ward, Ross, McDaniel & Price, Longview, Texas, 1981-1983.
Bachelor, Baylor University, 1980. Juris Doctor, Baylor University, 1981.
Associate Sharp, Ward, Ross, McDaniel & Price, Longview, Texas, 1981—1983. Private practice, since 1983. Judge 307th Family District Court, since 1990.
Loving God went to supernatural lengths—by sending His Son to die—to provide everyone an opportunity to escape the fires of Hell and spend eternity in Heaven.
Member of American Bar Association, Orthopsychiat. Association, National Association Women Lawyers, Academy Family Mediators, Gregg County Bar Association, State Bar Texas, Zonta Club (Longview).