Krupp, Robin Rector was born on March 29, 1946 in Brooklyn. Daughter of Robert Wayman and Margaret (Hayden) R.
Krupp, Robin Rector was born on March 29, 1946 in Brooklyn. Daughter of Robert Wayman and Margaret (Hayden) R.
Bachelor in Art Practice cum laude, Pomona College, Claremont, 1968. Master of Arts in Painting, California State University, 1970.
College art instructor Pierce College, Woodland Hills, California, 1971—1985, 1988—1993, 2001—2001. Design instructor Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Sherman Oaks/Los Angeles, 1979-1988. Extension instructor California State University, Northridge, California, 1987-1989.
Author, illustrator Macmillan, William Morrow, Harper Collins, New York City, 1985-2000. Instructor Life Bible College, Woodbury University, since 2000. Developed art department Funjwa Primary School, Acornhoek, South Africa, 2006.
Presenter art and writing workshops. Performer various school and organizations, since 1985.
Artist summer reading programs Metropolitan Cooperative Library. System, Southern California, 1988, 90. Member Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Children's Authors Network, Year on the Young Reader (steering committee), California Readers (advisory board 1988-1989), Southern California Childrens Booksellers Association (author's representative 1992-1996), Southern California Council on Literature for Children and Young People (Best Work of Nonfiction 1985, Dorothy C. McKenzie award 1998).
Married Edwin Charles Krupp, December 31, 1968 (divorced 2006). 1 child, Ethan Hembree.