Green, Roger Curtis was born on March 15, 1932 in Ridgewood, New Jersey, United States. Son of Robert Jefferson Green and Eleanor (Richards) Ingwersen.
Green, Roger Curtis was born on March 15, 1932 in Ridgewood, New Jersey, United States. Son of Robert Jefferson Green and Eleanor (Richards) Ingwersen.
Bachelor in Anthropology, University New Mexico, 1954. Bachelor of Science in Geology, University New Mexico, 1955. Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology, Harvard University, 1964.
Research associate American Museum Natural History, New York City, 1959-1961. Senior lecturer University Auckland, New Zealand, 1961-1966, associate professor New Zealand, 1966-1967, head department anthropology New Zealand, 1980-1984, professor prehistory New Zealand, 1973-1992, emeritus professor N. Zealand, since 1992. Anthropologist Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 1968-1973, research associate, since 1973.
James Cook visiting professor University Hawaii, Honolulu, 1981-1982. Edit board Asian Perspectives, 1969-1997, Auckland Institute and Museum Records, 1970-1990, Journal Pacific History, since 1985, Smithsonian Contributions to Archaeology, since 1987.
Board directors New Zealand Foundation Research, Science and Technology, 1993—1996. Science committee Hauraki Maritime Park Board, Auckland, 1988—1990. Fellow Royal Society New Zealand, American Anthropological Association, Society for American Archaeology, New Zealand Archaeol.
Association (honorary), Polynesian Society (Elsdon Best medal 1972), Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (vice president, president), New Zealand Society Antiquaries (honorary). Member United States National Academy of Science.
Married Kaye Chandler Smith (divorced ). Children: Ian Rotui, Nai Vivian. Married Valerie Joyce Sallen, January 20, 1984.