Pugh, Roger Vaughan was born on August 2, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Roger Vaughan and Rosamond (Tucker) Pugh.
Pugh, Roger Vaughan was born on August 2, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Roger Vaughan and Rosamond (Tucker) Pugh.
AB, Harvard College, 1951; Juris Doctor, Harvard University, 1954; Master of Laws, New York University, 1962.
Associate, Upham & Meeker, New York City, 1960-1962; associate, Lundgren, Lincoln & McDaniel, New York City, 1962-1965; associate, Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine, New York City, 1965-1968; partner, Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine, New York City, 1968-1983; partner, Edwards & Angell, New York City, 1983-1992; volunteer, United States Peace Corps, Asuncion, Paraguay, 1993-1995; assistant Corporate Counsel, New York City Law Department, Economics Development Division, since 1996. Board directors Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts.
Corporal United States Marine Corps, 1954-1956. Member American Law Institute.
Married Joanne Regina Sacco, November 7, 1954. Children: James Sacco, Robin Marie, Andrew Tucker, Rosemary, Allison Janet.