Silverman, Ronald I. was born on August 30, 1939 in Big Spring, Texas, United States. Son of Herbert and Tillie Silverman.
Silverman, Ronald I. was born on August 30, 1939 in Big Spring, Texas, United States. Son of Herbert and Tillie Silverman.
Bachelor, University of California at Los Angeles, 1961. Juris Doctor, University of California at Los Angeles, 1966.
Worked at Cox, Castle & Nicholson Limited Liability Partnership (Los Angeles, California) specializing in General Civil, Trial and Appellate Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Real Property and Construction Law. Land Use and Environmental Law.
Public Bond Financing.
International Law. Labor Relations. Receiverships and Creditors Rights.
Taxation, Trusts, Estate Planning and Probate Law. Admitted to the bar, 1967, California.
Author: "Supplement, California Real Property Financing," 1990.
Editor: Real Estate Development Principles and Process, 2nd Edition, Urban Land Institute, 1995. Member: Los Angeles County and American Bar Associations. State Bar of California.
Urban Land Institute (Vice-Chair, Development Regulations Council.
Membership Chair, Los Angeles District Council Chair, District Council Executive Committee and Steering Committee). Cox, Castle & Nicholson Limited Liability Partnership was founded over 40 years ago and has consistently focused its practice on the representation of businesses and individuals involved in all aspects of the real estate, construction and financial services industries.
With offices in both Los Angeles and Irvine, California, Cox, Castle & Nicholson Limited Liability Partnership is one of the largest firms serving the real estate industry in the United States. The firm provides the breadth and depth of legal services typically required by developers, builders, investors, landlords, tenants, lenders and others who are involved in a wide range of commercial, industrial, residential, hotel and resort projects.
Lieutenant United States Army, 1961-1963. Member American Bar Association, California Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar Association (secretary, treasurer executive committee real property section chair 1993-1994), Urban Land Institute (Los Angeles vice chair 1993-1995, chair since 1995).
Married Patricia Lynn Whalen, July 3, 1981. Children: Adam, Jordan.