Stupak, Ronald Joseph was born on November 28, 1934 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Frank John and Rose (Sisko) Stupak.
(War as an Instrument of Policy examines the principles of...)
War as an Instrument of Policy examines the principles of war and how they may apply to the method of decision making in the higher realms of government when military and civilian leaders meet. It begins with an exploration of the emergence of a new kind of limited war beginning with the Vietnam conflict and discusses the principles of war along with typical military theory and strategy to clearly provide an understanding of the thought processes and actions behind the conducting of a war. Two contemporary examples, the Gulf War in 1990 and the South African invasion of Angola in 1987, provide the opportunity to examine the process of military decision-making on every level in these conflicts. Finally, methods of successfully and carefully employing a military methodology of decision making to capitalize on the success of war are suggested.
Dean consultant Management educator researcher author
Stupak, Ronald Joseph was born on November 28, 1934 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Frank John and Rose (Sisko) Stupak.
Bachelor summa cum laude, Moravian College, 1961. Doctor of Laws, Moravian College, 1998. Master of Arts, Ohio State University, 1964.
Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, 1967. Executive Certified, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1973.
Sales planner Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, Allentown, 1961-1963. Instructor to professor Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1966-1974. Professor to associate director Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, 1974-1984.
Professor and director University Southern California, Los Angeles/Washington, 1984-1995. Distinguished scholar-in-residence National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1994-1995. Executive vice president Sydron Corporation, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993-1997.
Dean Center Effective Organizational Leadership, distinguished faculty research scholar of management Mount Vernon College, Washington, 1995-1997. Principal, executive vice president, senior consultant EMCO, LLC, Earlysville, Virginia, 1997—2001. Principal Fording Brook Associates, Bethesda, since 2002.
(War as an Instrument of Policy examines the principles of...)
Chairman Students for Kennedy, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1960-1961. Coordinator Ethnics for Johnson, Columbus, Ohio, 1963-1964. Board visitors University North Carolina, Asheville, 1988-1991.
Member Virginia Strategic Council, Richmond, 1990-1994. Advisor Lieutenant Governor' General’ s Office, Richmond, 1990-1994. Trustee Moravian College, 1998-2001.
With United States Army, 1955-1957. Member American Society for Public Administration (life, National Capital chapter director 1985-1988), Travelers Protective Association, Federal Executive Institute Alumni Association.
Married Dolores Barbara Stupak, June 14, 1958 (deceased November 1994). 1 child, Valeska Celina. Married Katherine Newman, January 1, 1997.