Roy Grinker was born in 1961, in Chicago. He is the son of Roy R. Grinker, Jr., a psychiatrist.
1115 8th Ave, Grinnell, IA 50112, United States
Roy studied at Grinnell College, where he received a Bachelor of Arts.
Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
At Harvard University, Roy Richard Grinker got a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
333 Christian St, Wallingford, CT 06492, Unite States
Roy Grinker graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall in 1979.
(Unstrange Minds documents the global quest of Isabel's fa...)
Unstrange Minds documents the global quest of Isabel's father, renowned anthropologist Roy Richard Grinker, to discover the surprising truth about why autism is so much more common today.
("Isabel's World" is a powerful testament to a father's qu...)
"Isabel's World" is a powerful testament to a father's quest for the truth, and is urgently relevant to anyone whose life is touched by one of history's most puzzling disorders.
anthropologist educator author
Roy Grinker was born in 1961, in Chicago. He is the son of Roy R. Grinker, Jr., a psychiatrist.
Graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall in 1979, Grinker planned on a career in music and played jazz piano, including a stint with Willie Pickens in Chicago, but while at Grinnell College, where he received a Bachelor of Arts, Roy discovered his true calling, anthropology. Some time later, at Harvard University, he got a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
At the beginning of his career, Roy Grinker worked at George Washington University as an associate professor of anthropology and international affairs. He also taught at Harvard University and Carleton College and was a cultural consultant for media and organizations, including the Smithsonian Institution. Nowadays Roy is a professor of anthropology at The George Washington University. He is also the director of GW's Institute for Ethnographic Research and editor-in-chief of the journal Anthropological Quarterly.
Roy Richard Grinker is the author of Houses in the Rainforest: Ethnicity and Inequality among Farmers and Foragers in Central Africa; Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation; and Korea and its Futures. He was a senior Asian fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States and has numerous grants for research and teaching.
(Unstrange Minds documents the global quest of Isabel's fa...)
2007("Isabel's World" is a powerful testament to a father's qu...)
2009Roy Grinker married Joyce Chung, a psychiatrist. They have two children - Isabel and Olivia.