Klemens, Rudolf Henryk was born on October 1, 1942 in Cracow, Poland. Son of Jan Ferdynand and Eugenia (Plaza) Klemens.
Klemens, Rudolf Henryk was born on October 1, 1942 in Cracow, Poland. Son of Jan Ferdynand and Eugenia (Plaza) Klemens.
Master of Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 1968; Doctor of Philosophy, Warsaw University of Technology, 1978; Doctor of Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 1994.
Assistant Warsaw University of Technology, 1968-1978, assistant professor, 1978-1994, associate professor, 1994-2001, professor, since 2001. Deputy head of division aircraft engines Warsaw University of Technology, 1974-1986, head combustion group, 1983-1988, head postgraduate study in combustion, 1981, 84, head department election committee, 1996. Chairman administration Clean Combustion Foundation, Warsaw, 1994-1996.
Deputy chairman Clean Combustion Foundation Council, 2000-2004. Secretary supervisory board Polish Combustion Institute, 2001-2005. Deputy director Institute Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 2005.
Member Polish Combustion Institute, since 2005. Presenter in field.
Member American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances, Polish Academy of Sciences (member combustion section), Polish Astronautical Society (deputy chairman 2001).
Married Barbara Jadwiga Krysztopik, August 21, 1976. Children: Bartosz, Jacek.