Samuel Sandler was born on October 25, 1925 in Lodz, Poland. Came to the United States, 1970. Son of Markus Goldman and Chana Sandler. Married to Bella Blaucwirn, father of Hanna M. Sandler.
Samuel Sandler was born on October 25, 1925 in Lodz, Poland. Came to the United States, 1970. Son of Markus Goldman and Chana Sandler. Married to Bella Blaucwirn, father of Hanna M. Sandler.
Master of Arts in Sociology, University Wroclaw, Poland, 1950. Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, University Wroclaw, Poland, 1951.
Instructor University Wroclaw, 1950-1951. Senior research associate Literature Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 1951-1957, 62-69. Assistant professor University Warsaw, 1954-1957, University Lodz, 1957-1962, 1964-1969.
Associate professor Tel Aviv University, 1969-1972, University Illinois, Chicago, 1970-1972. Professor Polish literature University Chicago, since 1972. Co-editor The National Library series Ossolineum, Wroclaw, 1951-1969.
Editorial board Literature Review, Wroclaw, 1953-1957.
Member Polish Institute Arts and Science in American, American Association Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, Association Advancement of Polish Studies, American Association Advancement of Slavic Studies.
Married Bella Blaucwirn. 1 child, Hanna M.