Morgan, Sherri Lynn was born on August 9, 1963 in Pittsburgh. Daughter of Herbert Charles and Ardyce Mae (Hansen) Morgan.
Morgan, Sherri Lynn was born on August 9, 1963 in Pittsburgh. Daughter of Herbert Charles and Ardyce Mae (Hansen) Morgan.
Bachelor of Science, Columbia Union College, 1984. Master of Social Work, University Maryland, 1988. Juris Doctor, University Maryland, 1989.
Law clerk, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., Baltimore, 1986-1989;
special education advocate, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., Baltimore, 1987;
family, child therapist, Kennedy-Krieger Institute for Handicapped Children, Baltimore, 1987-1988;
resident manager, Family & Children's Superior vena cava syndrome of Control Maryland., Baltimore, 1989;
program manager, Women's Housing Coalition, Baltimore, 1989-1990;
coordinator transitional housing, clinical social worker, Family & Children's Superior vena cava syndrome Control Maryland., Baltimore, 1990-1994. Legal researcher Maryland. Governor's Advisory Board on Shelter, Nutrition & Superior vena cava syndrome for Homeless, Baltimore, 1986-1987.
Survey consultant American Bar Association, Washington, 1988. Pro bono attorney House of Ruth, Domestic Violence Legal Clinic, Baltimore, 1992-1993.
Commissioner Takoma Pk. (Maryland.) Commision on Landlord Tenant Affairs, since 1993. Member National Organization for Women, District of Columbia Bar Association, Women's Bar Association District of Columbia, Amnesty International, Audubon Naturalist Society.
Married Scott Barkley Garrison, April 20, 1991. 1 child, Philip Morgan Garrison.