Keyles, Sidney Alan was born on September 7, 1944 in Brooklyn. Son of Murray and Tena (Landesman) Keyles.
Keyles, Sidney Alan was born on September 7, 1944 in Brooklyn. Son of Murray and Tena (Landesman) Keyles.
Bachelor, New York University, 1966; Juris Doctor, Columbia University, 1969.
Attorney, Aetna Life & Casualty Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1969-1972; senior attorney, Aetna Life & Casualty Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1972-1973; assistant legal officer, Aetna Life & Casualty Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973-1974; counsel, Aetna Life & Casualty Company, Hartford, Connecticut, since 1974.
Member American Bar Association (county real property section 1985-1991), American College Real Estate Lawyers, American Land Title Association (associate).
Married Irene Harriet Miller, July 9, 1967. Children: Sherry Celeste, Barry Stuart.