Eagles, Sidney Smith was born on August 5, 1939 in Asheville, North Carolina, United States. Son of Sidney Smith Senior and Mildred Truman (Brite) Eagles.
Eagles, Sidney Smith was born on August 5, 1939 in Asheville, North Carolina, United States. Son of Sidney Smith Senior and Mildred Truman (Brite) Eagles.
Bachelor, Wake Forest U., 1961; Juris Doctor, Wake Forest U., 1964.
Revisor, General Statutes Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1967-1970;
assistant attorney general legislation drafting service, Office Attorney General North Carolina, Raleigh, 1970-1974;
deputy attorney general special prosecution division, Office Attorney General North Carolina, Raleigh, 1974-1976;
counsel to speaker, North Carolina State Legislature, Raleigh, 1976-1980;
partner, Eagles Hafer & Hall, Raleigh, 1977-1982;
judge, North Carolina Court Appeals, Raleigh, since 1983;
chief judge, North Carolina Court Appeals, Raleigh, since 1998. Adjunct Professor Campbell U. School Law, since 1977. Chairman North Carolina Judicial Studies Commission,1994-1996.
Member of faculty Appellate Judges School Law School New York University, New York City, since 1993.
Vice president Raleigh Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1972-1973. Member Senatorial District Democratic Committee, 1979-1981. Board directors Wake County (North Carolina) Symphony Society, 1980-1981, Women's Aid of Wake County, since 1978.
Board elders, board deacons, trustee, teacher Sundaysch. Hillyer Memorial Christian Church, since 1980, Chairman board, 1989. Board visitors Wake Forest U. School Law.
Trustee and vice chair Barton College Served to captain United States Air Force, 1964-1967. Colonel, retired 1991. Member American Bar Association (chairman appellate judges conference 1993-1994, member appellate judicial education committee since 1994, house of deals since 1992), American Law Institute (uniform laws conference 1968-1983, 92-), North Carolina Bar Association (Vice-President 1989-1990), Wake county Bar Association(chairman of the executive committee 1975), North Carolina State Bar, Executives Club (president 1985), Kiwanis (distinguished president Raleigh 1986-1987, distinguished lieutenant governor 1995, Kiwanian of Year award 1989), Phi Delta Phi, Phi Alpha Delta (James Iredellaward 1990).
Married Rachel Phillips, May 22, 1965. Children: Virginia Brite, Margaret Phillips.