Ambudkar, Suresh V. was born on January 6, 1952 in Barsi, Mah, India. Son of Vasant R. and Sonubai S. (Jabade) Ambudkar. came to the United States, 1980.
membrane biochemist researcher
Ambudkar, Suresh V. was born on January 6, 1952 in Barsi, Mah, India. Son of Vasant R. and Sonubai S. (Jabade) Ambudkar. came to the United States, 1980.
Bachelor of Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India, 1972. Master of Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India, 1974. Doctor of Philosophy, Madurai (India) University, 1978.
Postdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins University School Medical, Baltimore, 1982-1984; Instructor, Johns Hopkins University School Medical, Baltimore, 1984-1988; assistant professor, Johns Hopkins University School Medical, Baltimore, 1989-1995; senior investigator, Laboratory Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland., since 1995. Reviewer Journal Biological Chemistry, Bethesda, Maryland., since 1993, Biochemistry, Washington, since 1993, Proceedings National Academy Science, Washington, since 1992.
Member American Society Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biophysical Society, American Association for Cancer Research.
Married Indu S. Bashyam, March 23, 1979. 1 child, Utkarsh S.