Harrison, Suzanne Marie was born on September 23, 1961 in Tacoma. Daughter of Raymond Ellsworth Junior and Dolores Joyce (Merritt) Harrison.
Harrison, Suzanne Marie was born on September 23, 1961 in Tacoma. Daughter of Raymond Ellsworth Junior and Dolores Joyce (Merritt) Harrison.
Student, Fort Stelicom Community College, Washington, 1982. AS in Management, Hawaii Pacific University, 1985. Bachelor of Business Administration magna cum laude, Hawaii Pacific University, 1986.
Advertising coordinator, Hawaii Press Newspapers, Honolulu, 1985; property/housing manager, Department of the Army, Fort Ord, California, 1987-1991; chief of housing, Department of the Army, Fort Greely, Alaska., since 1991.
Member Professional Housing Management Association (national chapter, vice president chapter 23 1990-1991), Hotel/Motel Association, Kiwanis International, Alpha Chi, Delta Mu Delta (Iota chapter).
Married Samuel Ordona Fontanos, August 20, 1981 (divorced January 1992). Children: Christina Marie, Samuel Harrison.