Vischer, Thomas L. was born on January 9, 1936 in Basel, Switzerland. Son of E. Andras and Verena (Schiess) Vischer.
Vischer, Thomas L. was born on January 9, 1936 in Basel, Switzerland. Son of E. Andras and Verena (Schiess) Vischer.
Doctor of Medicine, University Basel, Basel, 1961.
Head immunology laboratory, U. Hospital, Basel, 1967-1971; associate professor division rheumatology, U. Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, 1972-1988; professor, head division rheumatology, U. Hospital, Geneva, since 1989; director department physical medicine and rehabilitation, U. Hospital, Geneva, since 1989.
Fellow American College Rheumatology. Member Swiss Society Rheumatology (president 1993-1996), European League Against Rheumatism (vice president since 1993).
Married Monique Secretan, July 3, 1969. Children: Alicia, Mathilde.