Victor Efimovich Ardov was a prosaist, play-writer, memoir writer and a member of the Union of Writers of USSR.
Ardov was born on 8th October 1900 in Voronezh in the family of a railroad engineer, a graduate of the Kharkov Technological Institute Efim Moiseyevich Siegberman, then a member of the economic management of the Voronezh Jewish community, and later also a member of the Constitutional-Democratic Party. Mother - Evgeniya Moiseevna Sigberman (born Volpian, 1881, Vilna - after 1944); grandfather on the maternal line - the pharmacist Moses Girshevich Volpian, a native of Vilna - owned the pharmacy store in Voronezh, uncle Gerasim Moiseyevich Volpian - opened in 1912 a dental clinic.
In 1911-1914 he studied in the 1st gymnasium in Voronezh, since 1914 lived in Moscow. In 1918 Ardov applied to School of Law at Voronezh State University. In 1925 he graduated from School of Economy at Institute named after G. V. Plekhanov in Moscow.
Ardov worked as an actor and entertainer in the cabaret "Neriday". During the Great Patriotic War he worked at front-line press.
Ardov was a member of the Union of Writers of USSR.
Victor Ardov was married twice. He had two sons, one stepson, grandchildren.