Forrester, Victoria' Wadsworth was born on March 18, 1940 in Pasadena, California, United States. Daughter of Victor and Leslie (Wadsworth) Parkin.
(PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Thirty-nine original poems, many acc...)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Thirty-nine original poems, many accompanied by line drawings. For all ages. FROM THE INSIDE FLAP How take the measure of delight? By what authority do those who hold its value slight assay its quality? Like feathers in an angel's wing the smallest joy may give, even to life's renunciate, this one commandment - live! These poems are alive with delight in the small, the obscure, joys of the everyday world. As poetry should, they make us see what we do not see, and love what we have too often ignored. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Victoria Forrester lives north of San Francisco on the California coast. Of her first book of poetry, Lee Bennett Hopkins wrote, "Just last year a small gem of a collection appeared, Words to Keep Against the Night. It is always an exciting event to see a new poet born."
(Jesus weeps for the poor cow locked out of the barn on th...)
Jesus weeps for the poor cow locked out of the barn on that cold Nativity night, and though a helpless baby He works a way to bring the cow into the warmth.
Forrester, Victoria' Wadsworth was born on March 18, 1940 in Pasadena, California, United States. Daughter of Victor and Leslie (Wadsworth) Parkin.
Bachelor, University of California at Los Angeles, 1961. Master of Library Science, University of California at Los Angeles, 1963. Master of Arts, University of California at Los Angeles, 1970.
Reference library Santa Monica Library., California, 1963—1966, children's library, 1969—1971. Head library St. Mark's School, San Rafael, California, since 1980.
(When a cow trades her moo for a cat's meow because she th...)
(Jesus weeps for the poor cow locked out of the barn on th...)
(Jesus weeps for the poor cow locked out of the barn on th...)
(New leaves, sleeping inside an old oak tree, await the co...)
(Four original tales written by Victoria Forrester and ill...)
(PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Thirty-nine original poems, many acc...)
(Seventeen original poems, each accompanied by a small print.)
Author (illustrator): Bears and Theirs, 1982, Oddward, 1982, The Touch Said Hello, 1982, The Magnificent Moo, 1983, Words to Keep Against the Night, 1983, A Latch Against the Wind, 1985. Author: The Candlemaker and other Tales, 1984, Poor Gabriella, 1986. Contributor articles to professional journals.
Married Alan Harry Forrester, June 14, 1960. 1 child Chad.