Scharf, Waldemar Henryk was born on September 14, 1930 in Warsaw, Poland. Son of Waldemar and Aleksandra (Dysterbach) Scharf.
(Here is a complete and up-to-date compilation of data on ...)
Here is a complete and up-to-date compilation of data on the medical applications of particle accelerators. Waldemer Scharf has published two previous books on the subject and has an extensive knowledge of the products of U.S. accelerator companies.
Electronics engineering educator
Scharf, Waldemar Henryk was born on September 14, 1930 in Warsaw, Poland. Son of Waldemar and Aleksandra (Dysterbach) Scharf.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Warsaw, 1953. Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Electronics, University of Technology, Warsaw, 1977.
Laboratory head Nuclear Research Institute, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1956-1961. Chief designer Nuclear Engineering Office, Warsaw, 1961-1969. Assistant professor electronic engineering University of Technology, since 1969.
Visiting professor Kō Enerugī Kasokuki Kenkyū Kikō, Japan.
(Presents an overview of accelerator techniques useful in ...)
(Here is a complete and up-to-date compilation of data on ...)
Member Polish Society Medical Physics, Polish Authors Society.
Son of; married Hana Hladikova, June 7, 1956. Children: Iwona, Waldemar.