Shumaker, Wayne Louis was born on June 7, 1939 in Lakewood, Ohio, United States.
Shumaker, Wayne Louis was born on June 7, 1939 in Lakewood, Ohio, United States.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Kent State University, 1961; Juris Doctor, Cleveland State University, 1966.
Agent, Internal Revenue Service Cleveland (Ohio) District, 1961-1967; tax law specialist, Internal Revenue Service-Office International Operations, Washington, 1967-1968; tax supervisor, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company, Houston, 1968-1969; senior tax attorney, United Brands Company, Boston, 1969-1972; tax counsel, The Weatherhead Company, Cleveland, 1972-1975; tax counsel, manager, Marathon Oil Corporation, various locations, 1975-1992; private practice, Houston, since 1993.
Member American Bar Association, Ohio Bar Association, State Bar Texas.
M. Vilma R. Chaikcic, February 13, 1965. Children: Lynn, Bradley, Susan.