Fieldman, Wayne Lyle was born on January 20, 1944 in Reddick, Illinois, United States. Son of Lyle A. and Lucille R. (Mau) Fieldman.
Fieldman, Wayne Lyle was born on January 20, 1944 in Reddick, Illinois, United States. Son of Lyle A. and Lucille R. (Mau) Fieldman.
Bachelor of Science, Illinois State University, 1966.
Teacher, coach, Flanagan (Illinois) High School, 1966-1967; teacher, coach, Streator Township (Illinois) High School, 1967-1969; insurance broker, Reynolds-West Associations, Streator, 1969-1974; real estate and insurance broker, Fieldman Realty Inc., Streator, since 1974.
Member Streator Young Men’s Christian Association. Board directors Streator Area Economics Development Corporation, since 1986. Member International Council Shopping Centers, Streator Chamber of Commerce (board directors since 1986, Cephas Williams award 1988), Streator Eagles Club (grand marshall 1987), Streator Country Club, Elks.
Married Elizabeth J. Owen, August 20, 1966. Children: Laurie A., Douglas W., Molly E.