Butler, William Elliott was born on October 20, 1939 in Minneapolis. Son of William Elliott and Maxine Swan (Elmberg) Butler. came to England, 1970.
(This volume contains the revisions up to August 15, 1999 ...)
This volume contains the revisions up to August 15, 1999 to Parts One and Two, often referred to as the 'General Part', of the Russian Civil Code. William E. Butler's expert translation presents a clear interpretation of this vital text for all involved in Russian legal and commercial matters. As the Russian Civil Code is often the standard model for the other CIS states, amendments to this legislation are important to monitor.
(This latest addition to the Russian law mini-series compr...)
This latest addition to the Russian law mini-series comprehensively studies Russian foreign relations law examining the legal rights of, and limitations on, foreigners in Russia, with emphasis on the commercial investor. Butler looks at areas such as foreign trade law, foreign investment law, aspects of employment law, civil law rights and duties, and general principles of international law all within the context of the Russian legal system.
(The origins and development of Russian law and of state p...)
The origins and development of Russian law and of state practice in developing the law of nations, mostly with a Russian dimension are explored in 35 articles and reviews revised for this volume. Included are several biographical sketches of American, British and Russian jurists whose role have been neglected together with their texts of rare syllabi from the Soviet era that collectively configure the substance of international legal education from 1917 to 1991.
(Adoption and implementation of Part One of the Russian Ta...)
Adoption and implementation of Part One of the Russian Tax Code constitutes a significant step forward in the direction of reforming Russian tax legislation in the interests of a transition to a market economy. It is considered as the 'General Part' of the Tax Code, with the 'Special Part' yet to come. This expert translation by W.E. Butler contains amendments to the Tax Code current to 1 September 1999. In comparison with the chaotic body of legislation which this part of the Tax Code replaces, it is far more conceptual in character, subjecting the Russian Law of Taxation for the first time to the general principles and practices of the codification evident in the other principal branches of Russian law. The terminology of the Tax Code is also brought closer to the mainstream of Russian legal concepts. A glossary prepared on the basis of the Tax Code appears at the end of the volume.
(Uzbekistan was the first of the CIS countries to formulat...)
Uzbekistan was the first of the CIS countries to formulate and adopt a new Civil Code. The initial Civil Code came into force on March 1, 1997. Although based largely on the Russian Civil Code, the Uzbekistan Code has evolved its own distinct characteristics. This edition of William E. Butler's expert translation contains the latest revisions up to August 15, 1999.
lawyer Comparative law educator
Butler, William Elliott was born on October 20, 1939 in Minneapolis. Son of William Elliott and Maxine Swan (Elmberg) Butler. came to England, 1970.
Associate of Arts, Hibbing Junior College, 1959. Bachelor, American University, Washington, 1961. Master of Arts, Johns Hopkins University, 1963.
Juris Doctor, Harvard University, 1966. Doctor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 1970. Doctor of Laws, London University, 1979.
Master of Laws, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997.
Research assistant Johns Hopkins University, Washington, 1966-1968. Research associate Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968-1970. Reader in comparative law University London, 1970-1976, professor comparative law, 1976—2005, professor emeritus, since 2005.
Partner White & Case, London, 1994-1996. Resident partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Commonwealth of Independent States Law Firm, Moscow, 1997—2001. Senior partner Phoenix Law Associates Commonwealth of Independent States, since 2002.
John Edward Fowler distinguished professor law Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School Law, Carlisle, since 2005, University Senate, since 2008. Faculty council School International Affairs, since 2007. Of counsel Cole, Corrette & Abrutyn, 1989—1992, Clifford Chance, 1992—1994.
Director Vinogradoff Institute Pennsylvania State Dickinson. Dean, M. M. Speranskii professor international and comparative law Moscow School Social and Economic Sciences, 1995—2004. Professor, chair civil law Moscow State Legal Academy, 2002.
Visiting professor Washington and Lee University Law School, 2005. Professorial research associate School Oriental and African Studies University London, since 2006. Senior member commission room St. Anthony's College, Oxford University, since 2004.
Elected member American Law Institute, since 2009. Professorial lecturer John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, since 2009.
(This latest addition to the Russian law mini-series compr...)
(Adoption and implementation of Part One of the Russian Ta...)
(The origins and development of Russian law and of state p...)
(This volume contains the revisions up to August 15, 1999 ...)
(Uzbekistan was the first of the CIS countries to formulat...)
Trustee Hakluyt Society, since 2004. Member of International Academy Comparative Law, Russian Academy Legal Sciences, National Academy of Sciences Ukraine (academician since 1992), Russian Academy Natural Science since 1992, International Federation Ex-Libris Societies (executive secretary since 1986).
Married Darlene Mae Johnson, September 2, 1961 (deceased November 23, 1989). Children: William III, Bradley. Married Maryann Elizabeth Gashi, December 6, 1991.