Bowdoin, William Goodrich was born on September 4, 1860 in S. Hadley Falls, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Henry A. and Marion G. (Waters) Bowdoin.
Bowdoin, William Goodrich was born on September 4, 1860 in S. Hadley Falls, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Henry A. and Marion G. (Waters) Bowdoin.
Educational public schools of Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.
On editorial staff Woman’s Home Companion, 1900-1903. An associate editor The Independent, in charge of art department, 1903-1910. Member of staff Musical Courier Extra, 1912.
Art critic New York Evening World, 1915-1924, Newark (New Jersey) Evening News, 1924-1927, New York World-Telegram to September 26, 1931. Free lance writer since 1931. Collector of Japanese prints, Worked with Doctor George F. Kunz arranging art exhibits at Union League Club, New York, 1929-1930.
Author A Step Across the Gulf to Cuba, 1899. The Rise of the Book-plate, 1901. James MacNeill Whistler, the Man and His Work, 1901.
The Little Girl and Her Doll, 1905. Jack and Jill, According to the Modern School of Fiction, 1906. The Bunch of Violets, 1907.
The Jewelled Dagger, 1908. Wrote chapters on Book-plates and Fancy Book-binding, in Appleton’s Annual Cyclo. Contributor to periodicals.
Home: 1057 E. 39th St., Brooklyn, New York.
Member of staff Musical Courier Extra, 1912.
Married Mae Jean Muckleston, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1918.