Regas, William Thomas was born on October 17, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Themis (Demos) Regas.
Regas, William Thomas was born on October 17, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Themis (Demos) Regas.
Bachelor, DePaul University, 1951; Juris Doctor, DePaul University, 1954; postgraduate, Lawyers Postgraduate Clinic, Chicago, 1957.
Associate, Ungaro, Sherwood & Groebe, Chicago, 1954-1956; private practice, Park Ridge, Illinois, since 1956. Hearing officer Fair Employment Practice Commission, Chicago, 1970-1973.
Member Illinois State Bar Association.
Married Helen Maduros, June 4, 1959. Children: Chryssa E. Regas Sanford, Peter W., Alisa E.