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Yee Wah Chinese Edit Profile


Yee Wah Chinese, American lawyer, specializing in the field of Antitrust.


Wah Chinese, Yee was born on November 23, 1952 in Hong Kong.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (South.B., Mathematics, 1974). Columbia University (Juris Doctor, 1977). Spoken languages: Chinese and French.


Worked at Squadron, Ellenoff, Plesent & Sheinfeld, Limited Liability Partnership (New York, New York) specializing in Antitrust. Admitted to the bar, 1978, New York and United States. District Court, Southern District of New New York

1990, United States.

District Court, Eastern District of New New York Associate and Partner, Shea & Gould, New York, New York, 1977-1994. Author: "HSR Penalties: A Banner Year," Clayton"s Commentaries, July 1991.

"Walker Process and Handgards Claims: The Necessary Elements and Track Records of Antitrust Claims Predicted on Fraudulent Prosecution of Infringement Actions," Intellectual Property/Antitrust, 1993 (Partito Liberale Italiano (Italian Liberal Party)) with Edward J. FitzPatrick and Douglas J. Goglia.

Member: Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Chair, Committee on International Trade, 1993-1996). American Bar Association (Vice Chair, Antitrust Section, International Antitrust Committee, 1994-1995).


  • Yee Wah Chinese has been listed as a reputable lawyer by Martindale-Hubbell.


Member: Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Chair, Committee on International Trade, 1993-1996). American Bar Association (Vice Chair, Antitrust Section, International Antitrust Committee, 1994-1995).