Sikorski, ZdzisLAw Edmund was born on October 29, 1930 in Wilno, Poland. Son of Bernard and Maria (Grzonkowska) Sikorski.
(Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Proteins prese...)
Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Proteins presents the current state of knowledge on the content of proteins in food structures, the chemical, functional, and nutritive properties of food proteins, the chemical and biochemical modification of proteins in foods during storage and processing, and the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of nitrogenous compounds. It emphasizes the structure-function relationship as well as the effects of practical conditions applied in food processing on the biochemical and chemical reactions in food proteins and food product quality. The first ten chapters discuss structure-function relationships, methods of analysis of nitrogenous compounds, chemical and enzymatic modifications, nutritive roles, and mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of food proteins. The following six chapters describe the proteins of meat and fish, milk, eggs, cereals, legumes, oilseeds and single cell organisms, and present detailed information on the effects of conditions applied in storage and processing on the reactions in proteins and their impact on quality attributes of food products.
(Fish and marine invertebrates are important sources of nu...)
Fish and marine invertebrates are important sources of nutrients for the world's population, and many species have exceptionally high market value because of their exquisite sensory properties. Both the utilization of the available catch in different forms and the market price are affected by the quality of the fish. Proteins and nonprotein nitroge nous compounds playa crucial role in the nutritional value and sensory quality of seafoods as well as in the suitability of different species to various forms of processing, preservation, and use in other branches of the food industry. This role of proteins results from their basic chemical and biochemical properties and functions in different tissues. A presenta tion of the actual state of knowledge on seafood nitrogenous compounds in one volume may contribute to a better understanding of the involve ment of these components in all stages of handling and processing fish. It has been possible to prepare this text thanks to the cooperative effort of an international group of specialists. The editors of the book are greatly indebted to all colleagues who have willingly contributed to this volume, sharing their knowledge and experience, as well as to all persons who have granted permission to use their previously published materials. viii Preface ix A large part of the book has been prepared during my sabbatical in the Department of Marine Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in Keelung, Taiwan.
(This must-have resource focuses on marine food compositio...)
This must-have resource focuses on marine food composition as it relates to nutrition. Filled with illustrations and graphs, it describes the biological and technical factors which effect the availability and quality of seafood resources and provides information on the biochemical changes, functional properties, contents, and biological value of the main components of the major marine food organisms. It presents the yield of edible parts for the different species and the applied procedures of processing and culinary preparation. This volume is intended for the general reader who is interested in food production, marketing, and nutrition, and is also an ideal text for students of food science as well as professionals in the food trade and fish industry.
Sikorski, ZdzisLAw Edmund was born on October 29, 1930 in Wilno, Poland. Son of Bernard and Maria (Grzonkowska) Sikorski.
Bachelor of Science, Polytechnic Gdansk, Poland, 1954. Master of Science, Polytechnic Gdansk, Poland, 1956. Doctor of Philosophy, Polytechnic Gdansk, Poland, 1960.
Doctor of Science, Polytechnic Gdansk, Poland, 1965. Dr honoris cuasa, Agricultural University Szczecin, 1997.
Assistant Polytechnic Gdanska, 1954-1960, adjunct, 1960-1966, assistant professor, 1966-1973, associate professor, 1973-1980, professor, since 1980, chairman department food chemistry and technical, since 1969, dean faculty of chemistry, 1973-1975, 78-81. Assistant professor Ohio State University, Columbus, 1964-1965. Senior research fellow Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization, Hobart, Tasmania, 1975-1976.
Scientist Department of Science Industrial Research, Auckland, New Zealand, 1981-1982. Visiting research professor National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, 1990-1991. Member committee food technical and chemical Polish Academy of Sciences, since 1969, chairman since 1996.
(Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Proteins prese...)
(Fish and marine invertebrates are important sources of nu...)
(This must-have resource focuses on marine food compositio...)
Member board Main Council for Science and Tertiary Education, Warszawa, 1977-1988. Member Polish Society Food Technologists (founder).
Married Krystyna Stolyhwo. Children: Ewa, Anna, Grazyna.