Alexander (Medem Alexander Ottonovich) was count the priestly Martyr, son of Voronezh Vice-Governor Otto Ludwigovich Medem.
Alexander (Medem Alexander Ottonovich), was born on December 08, 1877, the city of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation and died on January 04, 1931, Syzran, the Nizhny-Volzhsky He lived in Voronezh since 1893. Since 1902 he lived in the estate of Alexandrij of Khvalynsky district of the Saratov province.
He graduated from the Voronezh Gymnasium (1895), the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1902).
Alexander was also the head of the sanitary unit of the All-Russian Zemsky Union (1915-1916). He also was elected as a member of the town council of Khvalynsky district and Saratov province. In 1916 he converted to Christianity. He was arrested in Khvalynsk in 1923 in one case with Bishop Peter (Sokolov). In 1929 he was deported to Syzran. He was arrested on 11.12.1930 and died in prison. He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church (2000) as a New Martyr and Confessor.
He was married (since 1901) to Maria Fyodorovna Chertkova.