Covic, Ante was born on August 23, 1949 in Split, Croatia. Son of Jakov and Manda Covic.
Covic, Ante was born on August 23, 1949 in Split, Croatia. Son of Jakov and Manda Covic.
Graduate in Philosophy and Latin, University Zagreb, Croatia, 1975. Doctor of Philosophy, University Zagreb, Croatia, 1989.
Minister science, technical and informatics Government of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, 1991—1992. Associate professor, faculty philosophy University Zagreb, 1999—2005, professor, since 2005. Co-director Southeast European Forum on Bioethics, Mali Losinj, Croatia, since 2005.
President organization committee Losinj Days of Bioethics, Mali Losinj, since 2001.
Member of Croatian Philosophical Society (president 1999—2001), Croatian Humboldt-Club, Croatian Bioethical Society.
Married Branka Rajic, November 24, 1979. Children: Tomislav, Ivana.