Jacklin, Carol Nagy was born on February 23, 1939 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Daughter of Albert Elmer and Lee (Black) Nagy.
Jacklin, Carol Nagy was born on February 23, 1939 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Daughter of Albert Elmer and Lee (Black) Nagy.
Bachelor, University Connecticut, 1960. Master of Arts, University Connecticut, 1961. Doctor of Philosophy, Brown University, 1972.
Instructor psychology, U. Connecticut, Waterbury, 1961-1963; Instructor psychology, San Jose (California) City College, 1964-1968; research associate, Stanford (California) U., 1972-1976; senior research associate, Stanford (California) U., 1976-1983; chairman SWMS program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1983-1986; professor psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1983-1989; professor, chairman psychology Department, University Southern California, Los Angeles, 1990-1992; dean division social science and communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1992-1995; dean faculty of arts and science, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1995-1997.
(Psychology Of Sex Differences, The, by MacCoby, Eleanor E...)
(Book by Maccoby, Eleanor E., Jacklin, Carol Nagy)
(Will be shipped from US. Used books may not include compa...)
Fellow American Psychological Association, American Psychological Society. Member Society Research Child Development, Society Research Adolscence, Society Psychological Study of Social Issues.
Children: Beth Carol, Phillip Albert.