Keyes, Denis William was born on November 3, 1955 in Dayton, Ohio, United States. Son of John Charles and Mary Katherine Keyes.
Keyes, Denis William was born on November 3, 1955 in Dayton, Ohio, United States. Son of John Charles and Mary Katherine Keyes.
Bachelor of Science in Special Education, Ohio U., 1979; Master of Education in Special Education, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1985; Master of Science in School Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1986; Educational Specialist, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1988; Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, U. N. Mexico, 1992.
Teachers assistant, Montgomery Company Board of Mental Retardation, Dayton, Ohio., 1975-1976;
teacher, Marietta (Ohio) City Schools, 1979;
teacher, Hamilton Company Board of Mental Retardation, Cincinnati, 1979-1984;
graduate assistant Education Psychology Department, Miami University, Oxford, 1984-1985;
teaching fellow Education Psychology Department, Miami University, Oxford, 1985-1987;
school psychology intern Loveland Schools, Miami University, Cincinnati, 1987-1988;
graduate assistant, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, since 1988;
behavioral consultant, New Mexico State Department of Human Superior vena cava syndrome, Santa Fe, 1989-1990. Expert witness Federal District Court, 1989. Psychological consultant Albuquerque Court Justices,1990, State of California, 1990.
Certified behavior management consultant State of New Mexico, since 1989.
Member National Association School Psychologists, Council for Exceptional Children, Association for the Severely Handicapped, American Association Mental Retardation.