Fogg, Ernest Leslie was born on June 4, 1920 in Butte, Montana, United States. Son of Ernest L. Fogg Senior and Gertrude G. (Waller) Fogg-Parker.
Fogg, Ernest Leslie was born on June 4, 1920 in Butte, Montana, United States. Son of Ernest L. Fogg Senior and Gertrude G. (Waller) Fogg-Parker.
Bachelor, Trinity University, San Antonio, 1943. Master of Divinity, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 1946. Doctor of Divinity (honorary), Mary Holmes College, 1981.
Missionary, Board of Foreign Missions/Presbyterian United States of America, Thailand, 1946-1959; field executive, National Council of Churches, Indonesia, 1959-1965; executive, Commision on Ecumenical Mission and Rels./Presbyterian United States of America, New York City, 1965-1970; executive, Board National Missions/Presbyterian United States of America, New York City, 1970-1972; director, Fund for Indochina, World Council Churches, Geneva, 1973-1976; senior minister, Center Presbyterian Church, Montclair, New Jersey, 1977-1987. Chairman American Leprosy Mission, 1979-1986.
Member World Affairs Council, San Antonio. Member Rotary (president 1986-1987).
Married Margaret E. Fogg, June 17, 1943 (deceased October 1962). Children: Judith E., Dennis M. (deceased), Stephen William. Married Carolee Little, September 1, 1965.
1 stepchild, Stephen Babcock.