Gillies, Hamish Grant was born on November 14, 1936 in Calcutta, India. Son of Arthur Suttie and Daisy (Grant) Gillies.
Gillies, Hamish Grant was born on November 14, 1936 in Calcutta, India. Son of Arthur Suttie and Daisy (Grant) Gillies.
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery, U. St. Andrews, Scotland, 1961.
House officer, then registrar in orthopedics, Royal Infirmary, Dundee, Scotland, 1961-1966;
lecturer orthopedics, U. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1966-1968;
Harkness research fellow, Harvard University, Boston, 1968-1970;
consultant orthopedic surgeon, Lancaster (England) Infirmary, Hammersmith Hospital, 1971-1972;
associate professor orthopedic surgery, Pahlavi U., Shi Raz, Iran, 1972-1974;
chief orthopedic surgery, Veterans Administration Hospital. West Roxbury, Boston, 1974-1981;
clinical instructor department orthopedics, Harvard University, 1974-1981;
consultant orthopedic surgeon, King Faisal Research Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1981-1983;
consultant and examining medical practitioner, DEpt. Health and Social Security, Edinburgh, since 1983.
Fellow Royal College Surgeons Edinburgh, Royal College Surgeons England, British Orthoaedic Surgeons, Royal and Ancient Golf Club, The Arts Club.
Married Marian Hooper, 1960 (divorced 1970). Married Kathleen Cahill, July 29, 1971 (divorced 1980). Married Linda Sue Maltby, June 28, 1980.
Children: James, Joe.
Grandchildren: Brandon, Mariah, Carmen.