Küng, Hans was born on March 19, 1928 in Lucerne, Switzerland.
( Now, forty years since its original publication, Hans K...)
Now, forty years since its original publication, Hans Kung's groundbreaking study--acclaimed as a model for ecumenical discussion--has become a classic work. Looking at the doctrine of justification as understood by the Protestant theologian Karl Barth in comparison to classic Roman Catholic theology, Kung found that the two had similar ideas about the main elements of justification. He argued there is fundamental agreement between Catholicism and Barth's doctrine and that the somewhat divergent viewpoints "would not warrant a division in the Church." This anniversary edition now features a new essay assessing Kung's work in light of contemporary ecumenical dialogues between Roman Catholics and Protestants.
(Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic ...)
Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection by Hans K...
(That the World May Believe takes the form of a series of ...)
That the World May Believe takes the form of a series of letters addressed to a Catholic university student on the personal and theological problems confronting a Catholic in the modern world.
(In this theological masterpiece on the ministry of the Po...)
In this theological masterpiece on the ministry of the Pope (the Petrine Office) and the nature of the Church, the great Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar examines what he calls the anti-Roman attitude-a widespread hostility toward the Papacy. Unfortunately, this attitude exists even within the Catholic Church. How should we understand this? More importantly, how should we overcome it? Hans Urs von Balthasar answers these questions by providing a balanced discusstion of the Papcy's place in the Church. He shows how the Office of Peter is an essential aspect of the ongoing life and mission of Christ's Church. On the one hand, the Papacy is not "above" the Church, the author insists, nor is the mystery of the Church reducible to the Papacy. On the other hand, writes von Balthasar, the Petrine ministry of the Pope is a crucial element among other indispensable, constitutive principles, which include what von Balthasar calls the Johannine and Pauline dimensions, and above all else on the Marian aspect of the Church.
(In this, his latest work, Hans Küng, the most pivotal the...)
In this, his latest work, Hans Küng, the most pivotal theologian in the Catholic Church today, addresses himself to the "many dimensions" and the "constant adaptations" that face today's Christian. The book presents his thoughts on a variety of issues facing the Church, issues which show that being a Christian in today's world is a many-faceted, constantly changing, and growing way of life.
(An enlarged edition of a book first published in English ...)
An enlarged edition of a book first published in English by Doubleday in 1979. Kung offers a theological and psychoanalytic assessment of Freud's atheism and of its implications for current psychoanalytic practice, contending that Freud's arguments against the existence of God are theologically unsound.
(This book was cited by the Vatican in December 1979 as pr...)
This book was cited by the Vatican in December 1979 as proof that Hans Kueng had `departed from the integral truth of the Catholic faith'. It asks, 'What is Christian truth?' How do we establish it?' How does the church's claim of infallibility compare with its all too obvious errors?' How can we approach the future positively?' Most movingly of all, in a personal postscript after his condemnation, Hans Kueng explains, Why I Remain a Catholic.
( Hans Küng (1928-) is one of the most distinguished and ...)
Hans Küng (1928-) is one of the most distinguished and widely-acclaimed theologians of the twentieth century. He has committed himself to a Christian Church full of life and freedom and humanity. His ideas have been warmly received and appreciated by people throughout the world and have stirred the imaginations of Christians and non-Christians alike. But why have his ideas also met with such opposition and even outright hostility from many Church authorities? And what does Hans Kung himself make of these personal attacks? In this simple, personal and often moving testimony, Hans Küng describes his fundamental convictions and reveals why, despite all the difficulties he has to face, he is still committed to the Christian way. What Hans Küng has thought, experienced and expresses in this book will help others in their search for personal values and a sense of direction - and also help them realise the unique value and importance of the Christian way.
(In THEOLOGY FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM which culminates 30 ...)
In THEOLOGY FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM which culminates 30 years of scholarship. Hans Kung reaffirms the relevance of theology in a modern world where religion is constantly questioned--and frequently attacked. "Here is the master of selective synthesis skillfully at work once more...[Kung] displays both his impressive knowledge of Christian history and his lively style in discussing the current stalemate in ecumenical theology...This is vintage Kung." (National Catholic Reporter) "Certainly in Christianity--and perhaps in other great religions too--familiar habits of piety and thought no longer suffice. The world awaits a new paradigm of human purpose and relation to the divine. Kung means to help give it birth." (Minneapolis Star-Tribune) "Kung's post-modern theology...points to the ongoing issues that confront Christian and others on the eve of the third millennium." (New York City Tribune)
(Kung joins with three esteemed colleagues to address the ...)
Kung joins with three esteemed colleagues to address the question: "Can we break through the barriers of noncommunication, fear, and mistrust that separate the followers of the world's great religions?" The authors analyze the main lines of approach taken by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, and give Christian responses to the values and challenges each tradition presents.
(Hans Küng (born March 19, 1928, in Sursee, Canton of Luce...)
Hans Küng (born March 19, 1928, in Sursee, Canton of Lucerne) is a Swiss Catholic priest, theologian, and prolific author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic (Stiftung Weltethos). Küng is "a Catholic priest in good standing",[1] but the Vatican has rescinded his authority to teach Catholic theology.[2] He had to leave the Catholic faculty, but remained at the University of Tübingen as a professor of ecumenical theology, serving as an emeritus professor since 1996. Although Küng is not officially allowed to teach Catholic theology, neither his bishop nor the Holy See have revoked his priestly faculties.
("Highly intelligent... It is understandable while being s...)
"Highly intelligent... It is understandable while being scholarly and should be read by anyone seeking an overview of ethical history as it relates to the present". -- Church and Synagogue Library Association
(Much has been written about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but ...)
Much has been written about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but relatively little on he religious dimension of his person and his music. In this book Hans Küng offers an intriguing theological probing into Mozart's musical work. / Küng begins by discussing Mozart's Catholic background — something that, surprisingly, has already been treated by Mozart scholars. He moves on to explore how Mozart's music itself displays to the keen ear “traces of transcendence,” giving intimations of a mysterious bliss transcending even all music. / The second part of the book sheds new light on Mozart's “Coronation Mass” in view of its contemporary cultural and political horizon, setting this mass against the critical confrontation with religion that was already beginning at that time. Küng's approach here reveals, among other things, he possibility of a new creative understanding of the texts of the mass as interpreted by Mozart's music. / Hans Küng's provocative Mozart: Traces of Transcendence complements and, for many readers, will even surpass Karl Barth's famous study.
( "[S]olidly researched, informative description and eval...)
"[S]olidly researched, informative description and evaluation of seven monumental Christian thinkers groupedand related incisively by a brilliant contemporary theological mind. A treat not to be missed." -National Catholic Reporter "[A]s insightful as it is penetrating. The essays can indeed serve as introductions in and of themselves, each with a short biigraphy, a delineation of the theological positions held, and a concluding assessment of what lies ahead." -Anglican Theological Review
(As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to...)
As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to globalization gathers momentum, political and economic considerations are crowding out vital ethical questions about the shape of our future. Now, Hans Küng, one of the world's preeminent Christian theologians, explores these issues in a visionary and cautionary look at the coming global society. How can the new world order of the twenty first century avoid the horrors of the twentieth? Will nations form a real community or continue to aggressively pursue their own interests? Will the Machiavellian approaches of the past prevail over idealism and a more humanitarian politics? What role can religion play in a world increasingly dominated by transnational corporations? Küng tackles these and many other questions with the insight and moral authority that comes from a lifetime's devotion to the search for justice and human dignity. Arguing against both an amoral realpolitik and an immoral resurgence of laissez faire economics, Küng defines a comprehensive ethic founded on the bedrock of mutual respect and humane treatment of all beings that would encompass the ecological, legal, technological, and social patterns that are reshaping civilization. If we are going to have a global economy, a global technology, a global media, Küng argues, we must also have a global ethic to which all nations, and peoples of the most varied backgrounds and beliefs, can commit themselves. "The world," he says, "is not going to be held together by the Internet." For anyone concerned about the world we are creating, A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics offers equal measures of informed analysis, compassionate foresight, and wise counsel.
( Tracing the Way is the product of a lifetime of experie...)
Tracing the Way is the product of a lifetime of experience. In researching and compiling this book Hans Kung has traveled to every corner of the globe in search of God in his many guises. Kung casts an analytical eye over the major world religions and offers a view of the present and what that means when measured against the past. Kung surveys, as succinctly as possible, the historical stages of each world religion and analyses their major paradigms and paradigm shifts. For the present can be understood only in the light of constellations from the past which have persisted side by side with each other Tracing the Way attempts to understand the religions as objectively as possible and discusses the social, political and historical contexts of the many forms of belief that exist today.
(Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and scie...)
Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and science seem constantly to clash, can theologians and scientists come to a meeting of minds? Yes, maintains the intrepid Hans Kng, as he brilliantly argues here that religion and science are not mutually exclusive but complementary. / Focusing on beginnings beginnings of time, of the world, of man, of human will Kng deals with an array of scientific precepts and teachings. From a unified field theory to quantum physics to the Big Bang to the theory of relativity even superstring and chaos theories he examines all of the theories regarding the beginning of the universe and life (of all kinds) in that universe. / Kng seeks to reconcile theology with the latest scientific insights, holding that a confrontational model for the relationship between science and theology is out of date, whether put forward by fundamentalist believers and theologians or by rationalistic scientists and philosophers. While accepting evolution as scientists generally describe it, he still maintains a role for God in founding the laws of nature by which life evolved and in facilitating the adventure of creation. / Exhibiting little patience for scientists who do not see beyond the limits of their discipline or for believers who try to tell experts how things must have been, Kng challenges readers to think more deeply about the beginnings in order to facilitate a new beginning in dialogue and understanding.
( Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christ...)
Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christianity by any reckoning. a peritus for the second Vatican council, he then went on to publish a number of controversial books, including Infallible?, which enraged the Vatican and caused him to lose the ecclesiastical approval of his teaching at the university of Tübingen. However, he remains a respected priest in good standing with his bishop. Throughout all the upheavals that the Catholic Church has undergone in recent decades, Küng has been an outspoken observer, turning himself from enfant terrible to béte noire. However his world influence has been great. Whether speaking at the United Nations or consorting with politicians and religious leaders, he is always listened to with respect and enthusiasm. A string of recent books has added to the reputation--notably On Being a Christian and Does God Exist? What is not so well known is that, as a young man, Küng was a close friend and confidant of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). Over the years, however, they increasingly came to represent exactly what the other most despised. But on being appointed to the Holy See, Ratzinger had a long private meeting with Kung, the consequences of which may resonate within the Catholic Church for many years. In these thrilling memoirs Küng gives his personal account of all these struggles and ambitions. The result is a book of major importance for any student of the church in the 20th century. This second volume covers the period following the close of the Second Vatican Council right up to the present day.
( Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christ...)
Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christianity by any reckoning. a peritus for the second Vatican council, he then went on to publish a number of controversial books, including Infallible?, which enraged the Vatican and caused him to lose the ecclesiastical approval of his teaching at the university of Tübingen. However, he remains a respected priest in good standing with his bishop. Throughout all the upheavals that the Catholic Church has undergone in recent decades, Küng has been an outspoken observer, turning himself from enfant terrible to béte noire. However his world influence has been great. Whether speaking at the United Nations or consorting with politicians and religious leaders, he is always listened to with respect and enthusiasm. A string of recent books has added to the reputation--notably On Being a Christian and Does God Exist? What is not so well known is that, as a young man, Küng was a close friend and confidant of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). Over the years, however, they increasingly came to represent exactly what the other most despised. But on being appointed to the Holy See, Ratzinger had a long private meeting with Kung, the consequences of which may resonate within the Catholic Church for many years. In these thrilling memoirs Küng gives his personal account of all these struggles and ambitions. The result is a book of major importance for any student of the church in the 20th century. This second volume covers the period following the close of the Second Vatican Council right up to the present day.
(This book contains the text of the Universal Declaration ...)
This book contains the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, an account of the hi storical background to it, a discussion of its significance, and responses from around the world '
(This work by Hans Urs Von Balthasar, translated from the ...)
This work by Hans Urs Von Balthasar, translated from the German,addresses the Papacy and the Church on the topics of: The Phenomenon The Refusal Forms of Abstract Unity The Real Christ in His Constellation The All-Embracing Motherhood of the Church The Historical Peter in His Successors Love as Self-Transcendence The Crucial Test
(Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and scie...)
Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and science seem constantly to clash, can theologians and scientists come to a meeting of minds? Yes, maintains the intrepid Hans Kng, as he brilliantly argues here that religion and science are not mutually exclusive but complementary. / Focusing on beginnings beginnings of time, of the world, of man, of human will Kng deals with an array of scient...
(The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion by Hans...)
The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion by Hans Küng [Wm. B. Eerdma...
Küng, Hans was born on March 19, 1928 in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Licentiate in Philosophy, Gregorian University, Rome, 1951. Licentiate in Theology, 1955. Doctor in Theology, Institute Catholic and Sorbonne, Paris, 1957.
Doctor of Laws (honorary), St. Louis University, 1963. Doctor of Laws (honorary), U.Toronto, 1984. Doctor of Divinity (honorary), Pacific School Religion, Berkeley, California, 1966.
Doctor of Divinity (honorary), University Dublin, Ireland, 1995. Doctor of Divinity (honorary), University Wales, Swansea, 1999. Doctor of Divinity, Florida International University, 2002.
HHD (honorary), Loyola University, Chicago, 1970. Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary), Ramapo College, New Jersey, 1999. Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary), Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, 2000.
Ordained priest 1954. Assistant, for Dogmatic Catholic Theol., University of Miinster/Westfalen 1959-1960. Professor Fundamental Theol., University of Tubingen 63.
Professor, of Dogmatics and Ecumenical Theology and Director, Institute Ecumenical Research 1963-1980, Professor, of Ecumenical Theology, Director Institute of Ecumenical Research (under direct responsibility of President, and Senate University of Tubingen) since 1980. Honorary Doctor of Laws (St. Louis, Toronto), Honorary D.D. (Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, University Glasgow, Cambridge), Honorary L.H.D. (Chicago, Michigan, Ann Arbor).
Ordained priest Roman Catholic Church, 1954.
(Kung joins with three esteemed colleagues to address the ...)
(This work by Hans Urs Von Balthasar, translated from the ...)
(Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and scie...)
(Translated by John Bowden / In an age when faith and scie...)
(In this theological masterpiece on the ministry of the Po...)
(This book contains the text of the Universal Declaration ...)
(As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to...)
(In this, his latest work, Hans Küng, the most pivotal the...)
(That the World May Believe takes the form of a series of ...)
( "[S]olidly researched, informative description and eval...)
( This work introduces the English-speaking reader to the...)
(His examination of Roman Catholic conscience as Pope John...)
(His examination of Roman Catholic conscience as Pope John...)
( Now, forty years since its original publication, Hans K...)
(This book was cited by the Vatican in December 1979 as pr...)
(Much has been written about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but ...)
(Hans Küng (born March 19, 1928, in Sursee, Canton of Luce...)
( Hans Küng (1928-) is one of the most distinguished and ...)
(His treatise on implications of freedom for modern Roman ...)
(Council In Action, The: Reflections On The Second Vatican...)
( Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christ...)
( Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christ...)
(Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic ...)
(An enlarged edition of a book first published in English ...)
(Why I am Still a Christian by Küng, Hans [Bloomsbury Acad...)
(In THEOLOGY FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM which culminates 30 ...)
(The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion by Hans...)
( Tracing the Way is the product of a lifetime of experie...)
("Highly intelligent... It is understandable while being s...)
Author: (book) Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection, 1964, The Council, Reform and Reunion, 1961, That the World May Believe, 1963, Structures of the Church, 1964, The Council in Action, 1963, Freedom Today, 1966, The Church, 1967, Truthfulness, 1968, Infallible? - An Inquiry, 1971, Why Priests?, 1972, Fehibar? Eine Bilanz, 1973, On Being a Christian, 1976, Signposts for the Future, 1978, Freud and the Problem of God, 1979, The Christian Challenge, 1979, The Church-Maintained in Truth, 1980, Does God Exist?, 1980, Eternal Life?, 1984, Church and Change, 1986, Why Am I Still a Christian, 1987, The Incarnation of God, 1987, Theology for the Third Millennium: An Ecumenical View, 1988. Author: (with Julia Ching) Christianity and Chinese Religions, 1989. Author: (with others) Christianity and the World Religions: Paths to Dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, 1986.Author: Reforming the Church Today. Keeping Hope Alive, 1990, Global Responsibility In Search of a New World Ethic, 1991, Judaism, 1992, Mozart: Traces of Transcendence, 1992, Credo: The Apostles' Creed-Explained for Today, 1993, Great Christian Thinkers, 1994. Author: (with Walter Jens) A Dignified Dying: A Plea for Personal Responsibility, 1995.Author: Christianity: Its Essence and History, 1995, A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics, 1997, The Catholic Church: A Short History, 2001, Tracing the Way: Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions, 2002, My Struggle for Freedom: Memoirs I, 2003, Islam, 2007, The Beginning of All Things, 2007, Disputed Truth: Memoirs, 2008. Co-author (with Walter Homolka): How to Do Good & Avoid Evil: A Global Ethic from the Sources of Judaism, 2009. Co-editor: A Global Ethic: The Declaration of the Parliament of the World's Religions, 1993, Yes to a Global Ethic, 1996, A Global Ethic and Global Responsibilities: Two Declarations, 1998, Crossing the Divide: Dialogue among Civilizations, 2001.Associate editor: journal Journal Ecumenical Studies, Concilium. Editor: (book) Theological Meditations, Okumenische Forschungen. Contributor numerous articles to professional publications.
Member of Concilium Executive Editorial Committee, Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists association Center West Germany, Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists association American Center.
Watersport, skiing, classical music.