Horst Bingel was a German prose author, poet, journalist and graphic artist, federal chairman of the Association of German writers, publishers of anthologies. He was even a city clerk of Offenbach.
Horst Bingel was born on October 6, 1933, in Korbach, Hessen, Germany. Horst was the son of a secondary school teacher. Horst Bingel lived in the midst of the avant-garde literary movement in Frankfurt in the late 1950s and 1960s. At that time, all of Europe was experiencing a powerful surge of creative energy in art, literature, music, and theatre, and Frankfurt was particularly important.
Horst spent his childhood in the Ruhr Area and in Thuringia, attended until 1948, the High School in Hanau (Realgymnasium) to middle-maturity and then completed a bookseller apprenticeship. At the Staatliche Zeichenakademie in Hanau he studied painting and sculpture from 1954-1956.
Since 1956 Horst worked as a poet and writer. From 1956 till 1957 Horst worked as an editor of the German Book Market. From 1957 till 1969 he was an editor-in-chief and publisher of Streit-Zeit-Schrift. In 1958, Bingel edited Streit-ZeitSchrift, in which he included three experimental poems by Ernst Jandl; these poems later ended up in Lands Laut und Luise.
From 1958 till 1960 Horst cooperated with Victor Otto Stomps at the Hermit publishing house in Stirstadt. From 1958 till 1975 Horst worked as an editor of the collection of German post-war poetry and prose, including the first collection of German political poetry since 1945 (1963). In 1965 he was a founder of the Frankfurter Forum für Literatur. From 1966, he used the Frankfurter Forum für Literatur (Frankfurt Literature Forum) to introduce authors from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary.
In 1967, Frankfurt was the site of creation for authors including Witold Wirpsza, Emst Jandl, Zbigniew Herbert, Michel Butor, and many others. In May of 1968, Bingel presented in the Frankfurter Römerhallen an exciting scenario of artistic, literary, and political turbulence of the present, focusing on the gray market and the underground. In 1968 Horst organized the international Literary Fair in Frankfurt. In 1968 he was an initiator of the Heinrich Heine Publishing House in Frankfurt.
From 1968 till 1969 Horst worked as an editor of the series of books "Straight-Zeit-Bücher" and "Straight-Zeit-Bilder". In 1971-1975 and 1977-1978 Horst was Chairman of the Association of Writers of Hesse. In 1973-1974 he worked as Deputy Chairman and in 1974-1976 as Chairman of the Association of German Writers (V.S.).
Since 1960 he worked as a freelance writer in Frankfurt. From 1983 till 1985 Bingel worked as a city clerk of Offenbach. From 1983 till 1985 Horst worked on his book "The writer in the book tower" in Offenbach. Since 1986 he retired to write.
Rebellion and revolution were the buzzwords of the day. Bingel himself produced some controversial avant-garde works, such as the poem “Wir suchen Hitler.” His most frequently published works are his two anthologies of German literature, Deutsche Lyrik. Gedichte seit 1945, and Deutsche Prosa. Erzählungen seit 1945.
In 1972 the movie "Horst Bingel: A production of the Saarländischer Rundfunk" was directed by Klaus Peter Dencker.
The Horst Dog's Mercury Prize for Literature is a German literary award, which since 2014 every two years jointly by the Association Horst Bingel Foundation for Literature and the National Association of Hesse VS is awarded.
The Horst Bingel Foundation for Literature with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main is a non-profit organization and since 2009 is committed to the promotion of literature. It does so in the spirit of her namesake, who died in April 2008 in Frankfurt, and in the 60s and 70s with the "Frankfurt Forum for Literature" has demonstrated such an engagement.
Horst Bingel writes mostly concise, snazzy and surprising poems and stories that are characterized by wit, irony, punch and scurrility and complexity. Topics are the city, love, nature, politics and society.
The political lyric resembles songs that express the grotesque and paradoxes unveiled.
His linguistically short laconic explanations are shorthands and have the task to rebel against the conventional pattern of thinking and thus to disillusion it.
In 1966 Horst took part in the election to the PEN Center of the Federal Republic of Germany.
PEN Center
Bingel is a melancholy lyricist whose prey is "time on revocation," "in its fleeting moments." Bingel understands it, ironically, lightly, but never recklessly, to apply "the grace of disillusionment" in a way "en passant", whereby he inclines to "verbal strokes" and likes to use the means of "surprise".
Quotes from others about the person
Karl Krolow: "written for the moment and for the moment, yet his work remains current."
Artmann: "the climber of Germany's poet".
Wolfgang Weyrauch: "Bingel's insights and poetic realizations are poisoned arrows, but her venom is an antidote, a vademecum, in which he does not put balls in one's dodgeball games or to overthrow the other people, rather let the peoples play ball."
Horst Bingel married Barbara Böddicker in Offenbach in 1985.