Blachor, Isaac was born on November 2, 1939 in New York City. Son of Irving Blachor and Jean Resnikoff.
Blachor, Isaac was born on November 2, 1939 in New York City. Son of Irving Blachor and Jean Resnikoff.
Brooklyn College (Bachelor of Arts, 1961). Saint John"s University School of Law (Bachelor of Laws, 1964). Spoken languages: Hebrew.
In re Patco Photo, 82 B.R. 192; In re Waxman, 128 B.R. 49.Worked at Kroll & Blachor Limited Liability Partnership (Garden City, New York) specializing in Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, General Litigation. Admitted to the bar, 1964, New New York 1966, United States. District Court, Eastern and Southern Districts of New New York
1970, United States.
Supreme Court. 1971, United States. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. 1984, United States. District Court, Northern District of New New York
Recipient: Nassau County Manitoba of the Year Award, State of Israel Bonds, 1979.
Distinguished Service Award, Bar Association of Nassau County, for services rendered as Chairman, Committee on Professional Ethics, 1981 and 1982. Distinguished Foreign Service Award, presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of the State of Israel, Honorary Yitzchak Rabin on behalf of the State of Israel, 1987.
Distinguished Community Service Award, Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County, 1993. Community Service Award, Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, 1996.
Member: Nassau County (Chairman, Committee on Professional Ethics, 1981-1982), New York State (Member: Special Committee on Specialization, 1983-1985.
Committee on Professional Responsibility, 1982-1983. Chairman, Committee on Law Office Economics and Management, 1989-1990). And American Bar Associations.
Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County (President, 1989-1990).
Chairman board directors Heritage Endowment Fund, Uniondale, New York, since 1984. National executive board Jewish National Fund American, 1986, national secretary, since 1997. Chairman board directors Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, West Hempstead, New York, since 1995.
Member American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Bar Association Nassau County (Merit award 1982), Jewish Lawyers Association.
Married Evelyn Blatt, August 23, 1984. Children: Adam, Adena, Deborah.