Tanur, Judith Mark was born on August 12, 1935 in Jersey City. Daughter of Edward Mark and Libbie (Berman) Mark.
educator sociologist statistician
Tanur, Judith Mark was born on August 12, 1935 in Jersey City. Daughter of Edward Mark and Libbie (Berman) Mark.
Bachelor of Science, Columbia University, 1957. Master of Arts, Columbia University, 1963. Doctor of Philosophy, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1972.
Analyst Biometrics Research, New York City, 1955-1967. Lecturer State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1967-1971, from assistant professor to professor sociology, 1971-1994, Distinguished teaching professor, 1994—2006, Distinguished teaching professor emerita, since 2006. Consultant NBC, New York City, 1976—1989, Language of Data Project, Los Altos, California, 1980—1989, Institute for Research on Learning, 1994—1995.
Member committee on national statistics National Academy of Sciences, 1980—1987, committee on applied and theoretical statistics, 1997—2000. Trustee NORC, University Chicago, since 1987. Board Director Social Science Research Council, 2000—2006, member Vietnam Population Health Study Advisory Committee, since 2007. Member advisory committee SBE, National Science Foundation, 2000—2006.
Board directors Visiting Nurse Service, Great Neck, New York, 1970-2000. Board governors General Society Survey, Chicago, 1989-1992. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Statistical Association (Founders award 1997), Association Psychological Science.
Member International Statistical Institute, American Sociological Association, Phi Beta Kappa.
Married Michael Isaac Tanur, June 2, 1957. Children: Rachel Dorothy, Marcia Valerie.