Hogan, Kempf was born on May 11, 1939 in East Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States. Son of Romain Grammel and Helen Maude (Kempf) Hogan.
Hogan, Kempf was born on May 11, 1939 in East Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States. Son of Romain Grammel and Helen Maude (Kempf) Hogan.
Bachelor of Business Administration, University Michigan, 1961. Master of Business Administration with distinction, University Michigan, 1965. Juris Doctor, University Michigan, 1966.
Postgraduate, Harvard University, 1962.
Security analyst Comerica Bank, Detroit, 1961—1962. Tax analyst Standard Oil Corporation of New Jersey, New York City, 1964. Associate Poole Littell & Sutherland, Detroit, 1967—1971, partner, 1971—1976, Butzel, Long, Gust, Klein & Van Zile, Professional Corporation, 1976—1981, stockholder, since 1982.
Past member trust and trust investment committee Michigan National Bank Detroit.
Member advisory board Detroit Institute Arts, since 1979, patron, benefactor. Active Friends University Michigan Museum Art. Friend Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Association, Cranbrook Academy Art Museum, Detroit Artists Market, Inc.
Board directors, founders junior council Detroit Institute Arts, 1971—1978. Board directors Meadow Brook Art Gallery Oakland University. Board directors, vice president Friends Modern Art Detroit Institute Arts.
Past board directors The Children's Center, Planned Parenthood League, Inc., Readings for Blind, Inc. Member of American Bar Association, American Judicature Society, Oakland County Bar Association, Detroit Bar Association, State Bar Michigan Association, Bloomfield Hills Country Club, Harvard Club Detroit, Phi Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi.