Fogg, Lloyd Clarke was born on April 10, 1899 in West Canaan, New Hampshire, United States. Son of Allen Ira and Drusilla Adeline (Clarke) Fogg.
Fogg, Lloyd Clarke was born on April 10, 1899 in West Canaan, New Hampshire, United States. Son of Allen Ira and Drusilla Adeline (Clarke) Fogg.
Bachelor of Science, Dartmouth, 1922, Master of Science, 1924. Doctor of Philosophy, Columbia, 1930.
Instructor zoölogy Dartmouth, 1922-1924, Washington Square College, New York University, 1924-1931. Cytologist United States Public Health Service, Harvard Medical School, 1932-1936. Research fellow in preventive medicine and hygiene, Harvard Medical School, 1932-1936.
Instructor zoölogy, U. New Hampshire (U.S.), 1937, assistant professor, 1937, associate professor, 1938-1940.
Assistant professor histology and embryology, Boston University School Medicine, 1940-1941, associate professor 1945-1946, registrar, 1946. Cancer ersearch, Pondville State Cancer Hospital (chief of research laboratory).
Director Isle of Shoals Marine Biological Laboratory.
Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society Zoölogists, American Association Anatomists, American Association Cancer.
Married Mildred Cass, June 5, 1926. Children: Lyman Babcock, Richard Lloyd.