Chu Min-yi was born in Nanzing, Zhejiang, China in 1884.
Chu Min-yi was born in Nanzing, Zhejiang, China in 1884.
In 1903 he went to Japan to study political science and economics at a Japanese college. Some yeats later Mr. Chu studied medicine and then histology at Strasbourg University in Paris, obtaining the degree of doctor of medicine and Bachelor of Arts of pharmacy.
Chu Min-yi travelled to Europe with Chang Chin-kiang in 1908 and joined the Tung Ming Hui at Singapore. While in France, he and Tsai Yuan-pei, Wu Chih-hui and Li Shih-tseng established the World Pictorial News and the New Century to assist in the cause of the Chinese Revolution.
Then he returned to China shortly after the outbreak of the World War to undertake revolutionary work, but after a few years, Mr. Chu again went to Paris to study medicine. Chu Min-yi assisted in the establishment of Universite de Lyons in 1921 and served as its vice-President for one year.
Later he returned to China in 1924 and was appointed vice-President of the University of Guangdong (Kwangtung). Mr. Chu was elected reserve member of the Central Executive Committee of Kuomintang in 1925. And he was a head of the medical corps in the Northern Punitive Expedition in 1926 and followed the army through Jiangxi (Kiangsi), Hunan, Hubei (Hupeh), Anhui (Anhwei), Zhejiang (Chekiang) and Jiangsu (Kiangsu) provinces.
Chu Lu-ho was a President of the Institut Technique Franco-Chinois at Shanghai in 1927 and was elected member of the Central Executive Committee of Kuomintang. He was commissioned by the Nationalist Government to go to Europe in 1928 to study public health matters and upon return to China. Mr. Chu was appointed chairman of the National Sanitation Reconstruction Commission and member of the University Council of the Ministry of Education and appointed Chinese commissioner-general to the Siege Exhibition, Belgium in 1930 and was received in audience by Crown Prince Leopold at Brussels 1930. In December 1930 he returned to China. From 1932 to 1935 Chu Min-yi served as a Chief Secretary of the Executive Yuan.