Craven, Sarah Johannah was born on January 11, 1963 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Daughter of John Pinna and Dorothy Craven.
Craven, Sarah Johannah was born on January 11, 1963 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Daughter of John Pinna and Dorothy Craven.
Bachelor, Macalester College, 1985. Master of Philosophy, Cambridge University, 1986. Juris Doctor, Georgetown University, 1992.
Research assistant, Senator Spark Matsunaga, Washington, 1987-1988; legislation aide, Senator Timothy E. Wirth, Washington, 1988-1989; with, National Women's Law Center, Washington, 1992-1993; with leadership education and advocacy project, Center for Development & Population Activities, Washington, since 1993. Adjunct Professor American U., Washington, since 1994. Board directors Common Heritage Corporation, Honolulu, since 1992.
Member American Society for International Law, American Anthropological Association.