Bonnie Brennen was born on October 2, 1952, in Los Angeles, California. She's the daughter of Richard and Elaine Glassman.
Bonnie Brennen
1131 W Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, United States
Dr. Bonnie Brennen talks about her first published novel, "Contradictions." jPad Lounge, Johnston Hall. September 2013.
1131 W Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, United States
Bonnie Brennen gives the autographs at the presentation of "Contradictions." jPad Lounge, Johnston Hall. September 2013.
Bonnie Brennen
Bonnie Brennen
18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, California 91330, United States
Bonnie Brennen is a graduate of California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor of Arts (with honors) in 1974.
800 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, California 92831, United States
From 1987 to 1989 Brennen studied at California State University, Fullerton.
Iowa City, Iowa 52242, United States
Bonnie Brennen studied at the University of Iowa, where she received a Doctor of Philosophy in 1993.
(Unlike most media histories which focus on the news indus...)
Unlike most media histories which focus on the news industry from an institutional point of view, these collected essays concentrate on the newsworkers, primarily writers and editors, working in the press from the 18 through the 1930s. The scholars consider issues of labor and class.
(The American Journalism History Reader presents important...)
The American Journalism History Reader presents important primary texts - news articles and essays about journalism from all stages of the history of the American press alongside key works of journalism history and criticism. The volume aims to place journalism history in its theoretical context, to familiarize the reader with essential works of, and about, journalism, and to chart the development of the field. The reader moves chronologically through American journalism history from the eighteenth-century to the present, combining classic sources and contemporary insights. Each century's section begins with a critical introduction, which establishes the social and political environment in which the media developed to highlight the ideological issues behind the historical period.
(Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies provides s...)
Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies provides students and researchers with the tools they need to perform critically engaged, theoretically informed research using methods that include interviewing, focus groups, historical research, oral histories, ethnography and participant observation, textual analysis, and online research. Each chapter features step-by-step instructions that integrate theory with practice, as well as a case study drawn from published research demonstrating best practices for media scholars. Readers will also find in-depth discussions of the challenges and ethical issues that may confront researchers using a qualitative approach. Qualitative Research does not offer easy answers, simple truths, or precise measurements, but this book provides a comprehensive and accessible guide for those hoping to explore this rich vein of research methodology. With new case studies throughout, this new edition includes updated material on digital technologies, including discussion of doing online research and using data to give students the tools they need to work in today’s convergent media environment.
(Synopsis: The prologue for the powerful novel Contradicti...)
Synopsis: The prologue for the powerful novel Contradictions begins on November 9, 1938, in Berlin, Germany, on the afternoon before Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. The story flashes forward to 1980, when Rachel, a young Jewish woman at the beginning of her academic career and the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, has recently been hired as the first female assistant professor of American history at a prominent East Coast university. Eric, a sociology professor with a penchant for smart young women, is serving as her mentor, guiding Rachel’s research agenda and helping her understand the dynamics of the academic community. As Rachel’s personal relationship with Eric grows, she begins to come to terms with her religious and cultural past. The recounting of a brutal rape serves as a metaphorical relationship to the Holocaust and its continued impact on Jewish life. Contradictions challenges the power of narrative to remake history, ultimately questioning the role of memory and storytelling in our understandings of the past.
(In contemporary society, the nature of reality is continu...)
In contemporary society, the nature of reality is continually challenged and each day there are new examples illustrating that perception has become reality. This book collection considers how researchers might evaluate evidence when truth claims can no longer be made. The authors address issues of perception, evidence, reality, and postmodernism from a variety of different backgrounds including history, ethics, cultural studies, law, and social science.
(Opting out of Digital Media showcases the role of human a...)
Opting out of Digital Media showcases the role of human agency and cultural identity in the development and use of digital technologies. Based on academic research, news and trade reports, popular culture, and 105 in-depth interviews, this book explores the contemporary "opting out" trend. It focuses directly on people’s intentions and the many reasons why they engage with or reject digital technologies. Author Bonnie Brennen illustrates nuanced thinking and numerous reasons why people choose to use some new technologies and reject others. Some interviewees opt-out of digital technologies because of their ethical, political, environmental, religious, or cultural beliefs. Other people consider new media superficial diversions that do not meet their expectations, needs, or interests while some citizens worry about issues of privacy and security and reject digital technologies because of their fears. Still other people construct their cultural identities through the choices they make about their use of new media. In many cases, the use or nonuse of digital technologies offers specific representations of how people assert their independence, authority, and agency over new media, while in some cases the choices that people make about new technologies also illustrate their class position or socioeconomic status. Opting Out of Digital Media responds to the growing opting out trend, addressing the developments in the unplugging phenomenon. It serves as the ideal text for any reader interested in the role of digital technologies in our lives and how it has become a part of a mainstream movement.
(Journalism Research in Practice: Perspectives on Change, ...)
Journalism Research in Practice: Perspectives on Change, Challenges, and Solutions is a unique collection of research on journalism written for journalists and wider audiences. Based on scholarship previously published in Journalism Practice, Journalism Studies, and Digital Journalism, authors have updated and rewritten their works to make connections to contemporary issues.
editor educator journalist writer
Bonnie Brennen was born on October 2, 1952, in Los Angeles, California. She's the daughter of Richard and Elaine Glassman.
Bonnie Brennen is a graduate of California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor of Arts (with honors) in 1974.
Then from 1987 to 1989 Brennen studied at California State University, Fullerton, and at the University of Iowa, where she received a Doctor of Philosophy in 1993.
Bonnie Brennen began her career at the Los Angeles Times, California, as a metropolitan news intern reporter, where she worked from 1973-1974.
Then Brennen was a reporter, photographer, and graphic artist at Sun Flair from 1974 to 1977, later from 1977-1980 as production manager.
From 1980 Bonnie was a production manager at the Daily News, Greensheet Shopper, where she worked till 1981. She also was director of production services at ADVO Publications, 1981-1983, corporate communication specialist at M.D.I., 1984-1988.
Bonnie Brennen was hired at the University of Iowa, as an instructor in journalism from 1989-1993. She was appointed as an assistant professor of communication at the State University of New York, College at Geneseo, 1993-1996, and began as an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, later became associate professor of mass communications, 1996-1999.
From 1999 Brennen taught at the University of Missouri, Columbia as an associate professor of journalism.
Brennen was an associate editor of Journalism and Communication Monographs from 2004-2008.
She previously was the vice provost for Faculty Affairs at Temple University. In Fall 2004, Dr. Brennen joined Temple University as professor and chair of the Department of Journalism in the School of Communications and Theater.
Bonnie Brennen serves on the editorial board of many journals in communications and journalism.
She is currently the Nieman Professor of Journalism in the Diederich College of Communications at Marquette University, the Series Editor of Diederich Studies in Media Communication at the Marquette University Press, and contributing editor for Journalism: Theory and Practice.
Bonnie Brennen has made huge research focused on the intersection of labor and journalism history as well as on relationships between media, culture, and society.
Bonnie Brennen was named a Nieman Professor of Journalism at the J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication at Marquette University.
In 2015 Brennen's name and photo were hung in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication’s Hall of Fame at the University of Iowa.
(Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies provides s...)
2012(Unlike most media histories which focus on the news indus...)
1995(The American Journalism History Reader presents important...)
2011(Journalism Research in Practice: Perspectives on Change, ...)
2020(Synopsis: The prologue for the powerful novel Contradicti...)
2013(In contemporary society, the nature of reality is continu...)
2013(Opting out of Digital Media showcases the role of human a...)
2019Quotations: "I cherished my time at Iowa. I wouldn’t be here without the skills I learned from here, and it was a truly amazing experience. Iowa challenged and encouraged me to think critically. That is so important skillset that is taught. My Iowa education truly influenced my entire career."
International Communication Association , United States
Bonnie Brennen was the Head of Qualitative Studies Division, 1996-1998, and the member of Executive Board, History Division, 1996-1997.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication , United States
American Journalism Historians Association , United States
Oral History Association , United States
Kappa Tau Alpha , United States
International Speech Communication Association
Quotes from others about the person
“Dr. Brennen helped create female journalism labor history. I’m constantly amazed by what our graduate accomplish.” - David Ryfe.
Bonnie Brennen was married to Terry Brennen but divorced in July 1993. She has two children: Andrea Lynn, Jonathan Scott.