Eisenberg, Carola was born on September 15, 1917 in Buenos Aires. Came to the United States, 1945. Daughter of Bernardo and Teodora (Kahan) Blitzman.
Eisenberg, Carola was born on September 15, 1917 in Buenos Aires. Came to the United States, 1945. Daughter of Bernardo and Teodora (Kahan) Blitzman.
Master of Social Work, Liceo de Senoritas. Doctor of Medicine, University Buenos Aires, 1945.
Resident in psychiatry, U. Maryland., 1946-1948;
fellow in child psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1948-1950;
assistant professor psychiatry and pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1960-1967;
psychiatrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 1967-1972;
dean of students, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 1972-1978;
dean student affairs, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1978-1990;
director international programs for students, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1990-1992;
lecturer psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, since 1970. Co-chairman women in biomedical careers workshop Office on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health, 1992, member of advisory commission on research and women's health, 1995-1998. Member commission on human rights American College of Physicians.
Member commission on women in science and engineering NAS, 1992-1995.
Vice president Physicians for Human Rights, Boston, since 1987. Fellow American Psychiatric Association (Distinguished life fellow 2003, member Council International Affairs, committee on human rights, Human Rights award 2005, Anthem Return Honorary award, 2011), American Orthopsychiat. Association (life); member American Association of University Professors.
Married Manfred Guttmacher, October 11, 1946 (deceased 1966). Married Leon Eisenberg, August 31, 1967. Children: Laurence, Alan.