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David M. Dobson Edit Profile


David M. Dobson, American lawyer Member of Dobson & Pinci.


Dobson, David M. was born on October 24, 1952 in Belleville, Illinois, United States.


Harvard University (Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, 1974). Yale University (Juris Doctor, 1978). Phi Beta Kappa. President, Yale Law School Alumni Association, European Division, since 1987.

Executive Committee, Yale Law School Association, since 1988.

Board of Advisers, Corporate Counsel’s International Adviser (Business Law Incorporated.), since 1987.


Worked at Dobson & Pinci (Atlanta, Georgia) specializing in Corporate, Banking and Securities Law with emphasis on Mergers and Acquisitions, Insurance, International Financial Transactions, Litigation, Arbitration, Employment Law, Debt Collection, Bankruptcy, Foreign Investments, Privatizations, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, Taxation, European Union/Common Market Law, Antitrust, Environmental and Energy Law, Transportation, Shipping, Fashion and Textiles, Agency and Distribution, Licensing, Franchising, Commercial Real Estate (Investment, Structuring and Development: Office, Industrial and Retail), Project and Trade Finance, Computer and Software Law, Telecommunications Law, Oil and Gas, Commodities, Food and Drug, Labor Law, Visa/Immigration, Wills and Estates, Sports Law, Broadcasting, Motion Picture, television, Video, Satellite, Intellectual Property and General Entertainment Law. Admitted to the bar, 1979, Georgia. Phi Beta Kappa. President, Yale Law School Alumni Association, European Division, 1987-1992.

Executive Committee, Yale Law School Association, 1988—.

Board of Advisers, Corporate Counsel"s International Adviser (Business Laws, Incorporated.), 1987—. Author: "Successful Cross-Border Retailing in Europe," International Centre for Scientific Culture 1996 Conference, Montreux.

"How to do Business in Italy for American High-Technical Corporations," SMAU 1996, Milan. "Franchising in Italy," American Consulate General, 1996 Milan.

"Fashion: The Property Market"s Seal of Class," Urban Land Institute International Council Meeting, 1996 Turin.

"How United States. - Based Multinational End-Users Do Business in Europe," MIPIM 94: European Real Estate, Cannes, March, 1994. "Forms of Investment in the United States of America," The United States.

Market - Opportunities for Trade and Investment, Milan Chamber of Commerce, February, 1992.

Estate and Tax Planning for Americans Abroad - "Legal and Tax Matters," Milan, Prudential Insurance Law Conference, October, 1994. Company-Author: "Mergers and Acquisitions in Italy," Butterworth"s Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, November, 1995. "Incorporation of an Italian Company, An Overview of Italian Law," Texas Transnational Law Quarterly, July, 1995.

"Structuring Italian Shopping Center Investments for German Open-Ended Property Funds," European Financial Services Law, November, 1995.

"The Role of "Buonuscita" and "Buonentrata" in Commercial Real Estate Transactions in Italy," March, 1995. "Opportunities for Development of and Investment in Shopping Centers in Italy: the Legal Framework - Leasing Structures," Italian American Business, August, 1995.

"Italian Labor Law: Collective Dismissal," March, 1995. "Establishment of the Italian Branch of a Foreign (European Union) Insurance Company," February, 1995.

"Labor Legislation: Overview of Italian Labor Legislation," March, 1995.

"Expansion of Computer Software Protection in Italy," April, 1995. "Piracy in General - Methods of Intervention of a Prosecutor" General’ s Office: The Experience in Milan," June, 1995. "Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) in Italy - Negotiating the Most Favorable Legal Tax Structure: New Tax Planning and Financial Engineering Following the 1994-1995 Budget Legislation," August, 1995.

"Shopping Hours and Retail Licensing in Italy," February, 1995.

"Cutting Through the Red Tape: United States. Customs, F.D.A., United States.D.A., and Other Legal Issues Facing Foreign Food and Beverage Manufacturers Entering the United States.

Market," New York Conference, June, 1993. "Privatization in Italy," Corporate Counsel"s International Advisor, May, 1993.

"Country Handbook on Italy," Italian American Business, 1992.

"International Contract Manual: Italy," Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1992. "General Procedures for Transfer of an American Employee to Italy," October, 1994. "A Synopsis of the Greek Corporate Tax System," State of California European Commission Law Handbook, 1993.

"Legal Aspects of Property Investment in Europe," Corporate Real Estate Executive, International Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives (NACORE) July/August, 1992.

"Entrepreneurial Cooperation between the United States and Italy: Louisiana Via Della Joint Venture," Iniziativa Italia Joint Ventures, Milan, June, 1992. "Italian Real Estate - Tax and Legal Aspects," Immobilier & Property, February 1992.

"The Negotiating Phase - United Kingdom Acquisitions in Italy," Conference: Mergers and Acquisitions in Italy, London, 1992. "Securities and Intermediation: "Stamp Duty on Stock Transactions, March, 1991.

"The New Italian South.I.M. Legislation," Communication and Strategy - The New Organization of the Italian Securities Markets," London, 1991.

"Franchising Agreements and Competition Rules in Italy," Corporate Counsel"s International Advisor, November, 1991. "Legal Aspects of Property Investment in Italy," New York State Bar Association International Law Practicum, 1991. "Key Legal Issues," Commercial Property Development, Investment and Finance in Italy, Paris, 1991.

"Joint Ventures - A European Perspective," Ninth Annual Southeastern Corporate Counsel Institute, Atlanta, 1990.

"Acquisition and Management of Real Property in Italy by Non-Residents," International Tax Strategy, Milan, 1990. "Responsabilitŕ Civile Prodotti (Products Liability):" American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, June, 1986.

"Venture Capital: The Capital Risk for Americans in Making Italian Institutional Investments," Italian American Business, December, 1985. "Opportunities for Tax Relief Under the New United States.-Italian Income Tax Treaty," American Bar Association Section on International Law and Practice, European Bulletin, November, 1985.

Associate, Alston, Miller & Gaines (Alston & Bird), Atlanta and Washington, District of Columbia, 1978-1982.

Member: Legal and Tax Committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, 1984—. Intellectual Property Committee, 1994—. Board of Governors, Sir James Henderson School, Milan, 1987-1989.

Member: State Bar of Georgia (Member, Sections on International, Corporate and Banking Law.

Chair, International Law Task Force, 1980-1982). American Bar Association (Charter Member, Committee on the International Aspects of Litigation, 1983.

Chair, Subcommittee on European Broadcasting Laws, European Law Committee, 1985-1986. Member, Subcommittee on International Financing, Section on Corporation, Banking and Business Law, 1983—).

International Bar Association.

(Also at Milan and Rome Offices). Dobson & Pinci is an international law firm based in Europe and the United States which is staffed with both American and European attorneys. Of the small number of such firms, Dobson & Pinci holds a unique position because the firm"s European offices are situated in Milan, Rome, Florence, Genoa, Naples, London, Athens, Brussels and Dublin, thereby enabling the firm to serve clients conveniently and efficiently in both Northern and Southern Europe.

The United States. offices in New York, Atlanta, Miami and San Diego are placed in major United States. cities to provide full support to the overall practice network.

Each office is staffed by attorneys qualified to appear and litigate in the local courts.


  • David M. Dobson has been listed as a reputable lawyer by Martindale-Hubbell.


  • Other Work

    • "Agent and Distributor Laws in Italy: Guidelines for the Foreign Principal," The International Lawyer, Summer, 1986. "Leggi Americane e Comunitarie in Materia di Responsibilita del Produttore," Responsibilita Civile Prodotti (Products Liability): Commenti e Interpretazioni, American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, June, 1986. "Venture Capital: II Capitale a Rischio Statunitense per l’lnvestitore Istituzionale Italiano," Italian-American Business, December, 1985.

      "Notes on the New United States.- Italian Income Tax Treaty," American Bar Association Section on International Law and Practice, European Bulletin, November, 1985. Associate, Alston, Miller & Gaines (Alston & Bird), Atlanta and Washington, D.C., 1978- 1982. Member, Legal and Tax Committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, since 1984.

      Member, Board of Governors, Sir James Henderson School, Milan.


Member: Legal and Tax Committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, 1984—. Intellectual Property Committee, 1994—. Board of Governors, Sir James Henderson School, Milan, 1987-1989.

Member: State Bar of Georgia (Member, Sections on International, Corporate and Banking Law.

Chair, International Law Task Force, 1980-1982). American Bar Association (Charter Member, Committee on the International Aspects of Litigation, 1983.

Chair, Subcommittee on European Broadcasting Laws, European Law Committee, 1985-1986. Member, Subcommittee on International Financing, Section on Corporation, Banking and Business Law, 1983—).

International Bar Association.

(Also at Atlanta and Milan Offices).