Greenberger, Howard Leroy was born on July 16, 1929 in Pittsburgh. Son of Abraham Harry and Alice (Levine) Greenberger.
Greenberger, Howard Leroy was born on July 16, 1929 in Pittsburgh. Son of Abraham Harry and Alice (Levine) Greenberger.
Bachelor of Science magna cum laude, University Pittsburgh, 1951. Juris Doctor cum laude, New York University, 1954. Diploma in law (Fulbright scholar), Oxford University, England, 1955.
Law clerk United States Court Appeals (3d circuit), 1958-1960. Associate Kaufman & Kaufman, Pittsburgh, 1960-1961. Associate professor law New York University, 1961-1965, professor, 1965—2001, professor emeritus, since 2001.
Associate dean New York University School Law, 1968-1972. Dean and director Practising Law Institute, 1972-1975. Senator New York University, since 1994.
Consultant in field. Vice president National Center Para-Legal Training. President Early American Industries Association, 1979-1982.
Chairman Commission on Foreign Graduate Study, AALS.
President New York City chapter American Jewish Committee, 1977-1979, national board governors, 1979-1985. Vice chairman, general counsel Coalition to Free Soviet Jews, since 1977. Trustee Law Center Foundation, 1973-1991, American Friends of Hebrew University Jerusalem, since 1986.
Chair New Amsterdam district Boy Scouts American, since 1990, Center on Social Welfare Policy and Law, since 1991, Blaustein Institute on Human Rights, since 1992. Member Boy Scouts American Captain Judge Advocate General corpus, United States army, 1955-1958. Fellow American Bar Foundation.
Member American Bar Association, Association of Bar of City of New York, New York County Lawyers Association (board directors since 1990), American Law Institute, Association American Law Schools, New York University Club (president 1981-1983, Masons, Sojourners, Vigil Honorary Order Arrow, Order of Coif, Phi Epsilon Pi.
Married Bette Jo Bergad, June 15, 1959.