Jo Pearson was born in the United Kingdom.
Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW, United Kingdom
Joanne Pearson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Modern History and earned one of the first a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Religious Studies.
(While traditional religions are in decline, Paganism is a...)
While traditional religions are in decline, Paganism is an area of unprecedented growth. This book offers an informed, state of the art insight into this fascinating area of cultural change.
(This dictionary provides a readily available collection o...)
This dictionary provides a readily available collection of source material for a subject that has recently become of considerable public and academic interest. It provides a point of reference for keywords and concepts which have previously been available only in short glossaries, footnotes, or within a body of the text. It deals with concepts shared by all Pagans, and also with those concepts unique to a particular Pagan tradition.
(Belief Beyond Boundaries explores 'religions' or forms of...)
Belief Beyond Boundaries explores 'religions' or forms of spirituality that tend to be marginal to the mainstream of British and North American religious expression.
(Joanne Pearson 'prowls the borderlands of Christianity' t...)
Joanne Pearson 'prowls the borderlands of Christianity' to uncover the untold history of Wicca. Exploring the problematic nature of the Wiccan claim of marginality, it contains a groundbreaking analysis of themes in Christian traditions that are inherent in the development of contemporary Wicca. These focus on the accusations which have been levelled against Catholicism, heterodoxy and witchcraft throughout history: ritual, deviant sexuality and magic.
Jo Pearson was born in the United Kingdom.
Joanne Pearson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Modern History and earned one of the first a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Religious Studies in Britain in the field of contemporary Paganism, with a thesis on Religion and the Return of Magic: Wicca as Esoteric Spirituality from University of Lancaster.
Joanne Pearson began her career at the Open University, Milton Keynes in England where she was a Lecturer in Religious Studies until 2002, when she became a member of religious and theological studies faculty at the University of Cardiff and at Winchester University.
Jo has organized two international conferences on Paganism and delivered papers at international conferences over the past 20 years. She also formerly worked in the banking business and operated a Wiccan coven. In 2012 she moved to Canada. She is presently working on a study of post-Christian priestesshood and contributing to explorations of disability in ritual contexts.
Jo Pearson is the author of “A Popular Dictionary of Paganism” that was published in 2002, “Wicca: Magic, Spirituality”, “The Mystic Other” in 2003, “Wicca and the Christian Heritage: Ritual, Sex and Magic” in 2007. She was an editor and contributor with Richard H. Roberts and Geoffrey Samuel of “Nature Religion Today: Paganism in the Modern World” in 1998 and “Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality, and the New Age” in 2002, “The Development of European Paganism: Histories, Influences, and Contexts, c. 1880-2002” in 2005.
Pearson has also been a contributor to books, including “Theorising Faith: The Insider/Outsider Problem” in 2002, “The Lancashire Witch Trials, 1612-1999” in 2002, “From Sacred Text to Internet” in 2002 and “Predicting Religion: Christian, Secular, and Alternative Futures” in 2003 and contributor to periodicals, including Pomegranate: Journal of Pagan Studies, Nova Religio, and Diskus.
(Belief Beyond Boundaries explores 'religions' or forms of...)
2002(This dictionary provides a readily available collection o...)
2002(Joanne Pearson 'prowls the borderlands of Christianity' t...)
2007(While traditional religions are in decline, Paganism is a...)