July 1941 - graduated from the 7th grade of the secondary school No. 354 in Moscow. August 1945 - graduated from the 2nd class of the Moscow Special School of the Air Force. July 1947 - he graduated after two years at the Vasilyev School of Aviation Mechanics in the Kiev Oblast. 1949 - graduated with honors from the 1st Moscow Red Banner Aviation Communication School.
1950 - graduated from the preparatory courses in the National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1956 - graduated from the radio engineering faculty of the National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute. He received a diploma in the specialty of "Air Force Radio Engineer". 1961 - graduated from the post-graduate department of the reactive guided weapons department of the National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute.
From January 1942 - worked as a turner at the Moscow plant of drilling machines of the Ministry of Oil Industry. From July 15, 1947 - January 30, 1948 - served as an air mechanic of the Higher Officer flight tactical courses. From May 12, 1949 - was at disposal of the commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. June 30, 1949 - January 24, 1950 - the radio attendant, since July 20, 1949 - commander of the radar platoon of the 131 separate regiment of communications of the VVS Moscow Aircraft. From April 2, 1956 - served as a radio engineer at the National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute. Since June 24, 1958 - associate chair of reactive guided weapons, and since February 6, 1959 - the Department of Aircraft Management Systems of the same academy. Since September 14, 1961 - senior researcher 54 laboratories 24 department 4 of the Central Research Institute of the Air Force.
January 10, 1963 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force assigned to the position of a cosmonaut-listener in the cosmonaut corps of the Air Force CTC (2nd set); from January 23, 1965 - cosmonaut of the 2nd detachment and senior group of cosmonauts-engineers.
1982 - dropped out of the cosmonaut detachment but kept the post of deputy chief of the 1st management of the CPC for research and test work; since August 13, 1983 - Colonel-engineer of the reserve.
May 3, 1965 - January 1966 - was part of the backup crew for the flight to the "Voskhod-3" spacecraft together with G. Beregov. August 26-28, 1974 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz-15 spacecraft together with G. Sarafanov. Docking and flying at the Salyut-3 orbital station were not carried out because of the failure of the control system of the ship's close-correcting engine (instead of braking, the engine was turned on for overclocking). The first landing on Earth in night conditions. Flight duration: 2 days. 00 hours. 12 min. 11 seconds Callsign: "Dunai-2".