Leach, William Matthew was born on June 26, 1933 in Pine Mountain, Kentucky, United States. Son of Malcolm and Elsie (Creech) Leach.
Leach, William Matthew was born on June 26, 1933 in Pine Mountain, Kentucky, United States. Son of Malcolm and Elsie (Creech) Leach.
Bachelor in Biology, Berea College, 1956; Master of Science in Radiation Biology, U. Tennessee, 1963; Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology, U. Tennessee, 1965.
Atomic Energy Commission predoctoral fellow, U. Tennessee, Knoxville, 1963-1965; Atomic Energy Commission postdoctoral fellow, U. Tennessee, Knoxville, 1965-1966; research biologist, United States Public Health Service, Rockville, Maryland., 1966-1967; chief cytology/cytogenetics, Bureau Radiological Health, Rockville, 1967-1970; chief experimental studies, Bureau Radiological Health, Rockville, 1970-1983; director life science, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Rockville, 1983-1985; associate director for science Office Science and Technology, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Rockville, since 1985. Adjunct Professor of genetics George Washington University, Washington, since 1969. Co-developer international visiting science program Food and Drug Administration.
Trustee Pine Mountain Settlement School, Bledsoe, Kentucky, since 1967. Cub Scoutleader Boy Scouts American, Silver Spring, Maryland., 1975-1980. Initiator, leader science interns Montgomery Public Schools, Rockville, 1980-1984.
Sergeant United States Army, 1956-1960. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society Cell Biology, American Genetical assosiation, New York Academy Sciences, Sigma Xi.
Married Marion Elizabeth Drew, September 2, 1960. Children: Jennifer Megan, William Marcus, Steven Drew.